is sociology value free? Flashcards
values mean…
the idea and beliefs about general principles the researcher holds
what perspective believes that sociology can be value free?
Comte’s theory
he argues that it can be value free as it studies the empirical and objective social facts. also that at each stage of research it should be value free.
positivists believe…
that Sociology can be value free because they are uncovering the phenomena that exists totally externally to the individual so these social facts can be observed objectively by following the scientific procedure
was Durkheim research value free?
no, he had his reasons to why he wanted to study suicide because he lost a friend to that matter
who argues that values should influence data just a little
Weber’s theory
he agrees with positivism to an extent but he argues that sociologists will always use their values in choosing a topic. for weber, this is a balancing act as sociologists should recognise their subject has values and should seek subjective views at same time.
Weber 4 stages of the research process
1- values as a guide to research
2- data collection and hypothesis testing must remain objective and unbiased
3- values in the interpretation of data
4- values and sociologists as a citizen so must take moral responsibility for harm
what is committed sociology?
openly take sides by representing values and interests
“who’s side are we on?”
the interactionalist Becker argues that since all knowledge is political the task for sociologists is simply to choose sides and sociology should always side with the disadvantaged
Becker believes…
the best thing researchers can do is state all the values which allows the audience to be aware and consider for themselves.
A03- Becker
a way to resolve the research values from interfering is choose the topic and the someone else do the research or peer assess
Gouldner argues…
a Marxist he argues that it is impossible to be free from value judgement. he believes 1- sociologists cannot ignore their values when doing research and 2- need to hold onto their values or they risk “selling out” to the highest bidders when conducting research
postmodernists on values
value freedom is impossible and undesirable. everyone has values and influences. researchers should acknowledge this
feminists on values
critical of “value free” as claims its sexblind, serves an ideological justification for subordination of women-oakley
feminist response to male bias
bias can be corrected by more studies on men and radical views suggests what is needed is sociology for women by women
value freedom means…
the ability of the researchers to keep their own personal biases and opinions out of the research they are conducting