Is It Right For Christians To Prioritise One Group Over Another? Flashcards
A case can be made that Christianity’s centrally focused on the poor (with ? ? of the actions and teachings of Jesus emphasised that God’s close to the poor and the poor close to God).
Biblical observations.
Clodovis and Leonardo Boff argued that God gets involved and takes sides with the ?
Liberation theology suggests that God takes the side of the poor against the rich and actively works for the ?
For ?, “to know God as liberator is to liberate, is to do ?”.
The Vatican says ? manifests a dangerous preoccupation with the poor and oppressed in ? ? and believe it’s wrong to prioritise one group over the needs of others.
Latin America.
John Paul II argued that wealth doesn’t shelter people from ? ?
Spiritual poverty.
The message of salvation that Jesus brings is a message for all ?
If Christians work to reduce ? of all kinds, then they’ll make the world a better place.
“Jesus doesn’t idealise the poor, because poverty’s the consequences of the sin of ? possession. He teaches us to abandon the goods of this ? and invites us to share what we have with the poor” (Fitzgerald).