Is it accurate to say that Cavour's development of the economic and political systems of Piedmont helped further the cause of national unity?? Flashcards
Is accurate- reason 1- commercial and industrial growth
Facts- Govt subsidies provided in a range of enterprises, canals eg Cavour canal from 1857 which helped build construction industries.
- 60,000 silk workers and 114,000 cotton workers showed benefits for a wide range of industries prompted by Cavour
- Trade increased 300% in 1850s and public debt rose from 120 million to 725 million lire by 1859
Explanation- Cavour prepared for this debt and keen to allow it in order to strengthen the Piedmont economy. Indirectly helped unity because would be seen as the industrial hub that would attract workers looking for jobs and encouraging other states to be a part of it, bringing italy together; ALTHOUGH THIS IS AN INDIRECT LINK, CAVOUR ISNT INTENTIONALLY FURTHERING UNITY
Is accurate- reason 2- Trade agreements
Facts- agreed free trade agreements with Belgium, Britain as well as encouraging foreign investment from France, who funded the Cenis mountain railway between France and Piedmont under the French banker Rothschild.
- The French also helped fund the train line between Genoa, Milan and Turin; all trade agreements forged international Links and furthered the potential of piedmonts economy by attracting industrial equipment and raw materials.
explanation- Cavour was heavily relying on French investment which would keep Austria at bay and loosen their grip on Italy, which states such as Venetia under austrian control would be happy with, seeing Piedmont/ Cavour as the potential leader of italy
-clearly was a direct link with getting help from France to take Lombardy in second war of independence 1859
HOWEVER cavour was not doing this directly, he was more concerned in improving his status in Europe, and ensuring PIEDMONT had a place among the great powers, not necessarily Italy.
Is accurate- reason 2 extension- Diplomatic developments
Facts- Cavour’s policy was anti austrian and this was enough to keep the hopes of nationalists alive that Cavour could lead a unified state if he acted to get rid of Austria
- Cavour used the Crimean war as an excuse to challenge Austria with the help of European powers like France and Britain, who he sent troops with to help.
- He attacked Austrian politicians at the congress of Paris and was now owed a favour by Britain and France, whilst securing his position among great powers. The Italian question was the main item on the agenda of the congress, Austria was isolated after falling out with Russia
HOWEVER-Pact of plombieres only really discussed piedmont expansion
Explanation- The war ended the 1815 Vienna settlement and Austrian control was loosened; Cavour showed that Austria could be challenged, which would inspire other states and nationalists to stand against them. However once again Cavour was only acting in the name of Piedmont and was not a devote nationalist.
Isn’t accurate- reason 1- Anti clericalism
Facts- 1855, Cavour attacked wealth of the church by closing 152 monasteries and 1700 benefices (positions held by priests) to reduce their influence and added £145,000 to piedmonts economy
- After the right wing sympathised with the church in 1857, Cavour sacked Rattazzi and ended the connubio to create political stability and re gain favour from the right and the King.
-church money used to prepare his army
-this was more about consolidating constitutional monarchy in Piedmont than in the best interest of nationalism
-By oppressing the catholics and taken their funding, he was adding money to Piedmonts economy and wanted to benefit Piedmont; nothing here suggests that attacking the catholics, who were against unification, was actually done in the name of Italy.
Isn’t accurate- reason 2- crushing the radicals
Facts- feb 1853 Cavour warned Austria about Mazzini and his radicals planning an attack in Milan, gaining him Austrian thanks and undermining the nationalists who believed VE to be the likely leader of a new Italy.
- When Mazzini tried to revolt in Genoa 1857, Cavour was furious and began persecuting mazziniian followers, yet again betraying Mazzini to protect Piedmont and it’s constitutional monarchy
- he also publicly showed his lack of support towards Garibaldi in his expedition of the south, giving him just 2 old paddle steamers, 1000 old rifles and no ammunition
Explanation- Cavour was acting against the idea of unification by helping the Austrians instead of trying to get rid of them from Italy. He knew he would struggle getting foreign help if radicals were revolting so he had to suppress them; he was betraying Italian nationalists to benefit Piedmont only
Line of argument/ judgement
Cavours main motives for his work was centered around preserving the constitutional monarchy of Piedmont as well as its expansion, and any potential benefit for the rest of the country was mainly coincidental. Even his trade agreements and international diplomatic affairs which brought the Italian question to the forefront of Europe was facilitated via trying to improve piedmonts position