Is human nature distinctive? Flashcards
What is human nature?
The general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioural traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans
What did Jean Jacques Rosseau say about human nature?
‘In natural state humans are essentially generous creatures’
‘Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains’
Society traps us, making us bad however innately generous
What can we understand from Jean Jacques Rosseau’s view on human nature?
The purpose of society should be to remove barriers that had resulted in our loss of freedom and try and regain, our natural state as helpful, just and social beings.
What does Thomas Hobbes believe about human nature?
‘The life of man, solitary, poor, brutish, and short’
In their natural state humans are not co operative but selfish and animal like. We are innately selfish. However society/ rules regulates human behaviour, as we recognise if we co operate with each other life can become more tolerable. We need police, army etc so we don’t go back to brutish ways
What does Michel Foucault teach about human nature?
‘Human nature, like any other quality is taught to us’
No such thing as human nature. Human nature is taught to us.
What does Karl Marx say about human nature?
‘No such thing as human nature. Humans must work and create to guarantee their survival’
For example, business people will argue humans are selfish because this is the behaviour rewarded in a capitalist society.
What does Kai Neilsen teach about human nature?
Argues against belief in a distinctive human nature that is present across all societies and cultures.
Anthropologists have investigated practicses in other cultures. EG- Scandinavians killed their elderly relatives to allow them into Valhalla.