Irregular Verbs B1 Part1 Duo Flashcards
Быть/ бути
Be, was/were, been
Eg. He was a good programmer.
Становиться/ ставати
Become, became, become
Eg. She became a doctor three years ago.
Начинать/ починати
Begin, began, begun
Eg. He began his professional career in 2008.
Спорить, держать пари/ сперечатись, укладати парі
Bet, bet, bet
Eg. I bet you forgot it.
Дуть (например, о ветре)/ дмухати (наприклад, про вітер)
Blow, blew, blown
Eg. It blew all night.
Ломать/ ламати
Break, broke, broken
Eg. He broke his leg last week.
Приносить/ приносити
Bring, brought, brought
Eg. They brought a present for their friend.
Строить/ будувати
Build, built, built
Eg. We built a summer cottage in the country.
Покупать/ купувати
Buy, bought, bought
Eg. We bought a new car last month.
Мочь, быть в состоянии/ могти, бути у змозі
Can, could, been able
Eg. Could you send me a message yesterday?
Ловить/ ловити
Catch, caught, caught
Eg. We caught a lot of fish in the pond.
Выбирать/ обирати
Choose, chose, chosen
Eg. Did you choose that book?
Приходить/ приходити
Come, came, come
Eg. I came back home late.
Стоить/ коштувати
Cost, cost, cost
Eg. The ring cost a lot of money.
Резать, отрезать / різати, відрізати
Cut, cut, cut
Eg. Mom cut the doll from paper.