Irregular Verbs B1 Part1 Duo Flashcards
Быть/ бути
Be, was/were, been

Eg. He was a good programmer.
Становиться/ ставати
Become, became, become

Eg. She became a doctor three years ago.
Начинать/ починати
Begin, began, begun

Eg. He began his professional career in 2008.
Спорить, держать пари/ сперечатись, укладати парі
Bet, bet, bet

Eg. I bet you forgot it.
Дуть (например, о ветре)/ дмухати (наприклад, про вітер)
Blow, blew, blown

Eg. It blew all night.
Ломать/ ламати
Break, broke, broken

Eg. He broke his leg last week.
Приносить/ приносити
Bring, brought, brought

Eg. They brought a present for their friend.
Строить/ будувати
Build, built, built

Eg. We built a summer cottage in the country.
Покупать/ купувати
Buy, bought, bought

Eg. We bought a new car last month.
Мочь, быть в состоянии/ могти, бути у змозі
Can, could, been able

Eg. Could you send me a message yesterday?
Ловить/ ловити
Catch, caught, caught

Eg. We caught a lot of fish in the pond.
Выбирать/ обирати
Choose, chose, chosen

Eg. Did you choose that book?
Приходить/ приходити
Come, came, come

Eg. I came back home late.
Стоить/ коштувати
Cost, cost, cost

Eg. The ring cost a lot of money.
Резать, отрезать / різати, відрізати
Cut, cut, cut

Eg. Mom cut the doll from paper.
Делать/ робити
Do, did, done

Eg. We did yoga in the same club.
Рисовать, чертить/ малювати, креслити
Draw, drew, drawn

Eg. The child drew a vase on the table.
Пить/ пити
Drink ,drank, drunk

Eg. Did you drink wine on the excursion?
Вести (машину)/ вести (авто)
Drive, drove, driven

Eg. I drove the children to school in the morning.
Есть, кушать/ їсти
Eat, ate, eaten

Eg. We ate shrimps at the reception.
Падать/ падати
Fall, fell, fallen

Eg. Night fell quickly.
Кормить/ годувати
Feed, fed, fed

Eg. Did you feed the cat at 9?
Чувствовать/ відчувати, почуватися
Feel, felt, felt

Eg. I felt unwell yesterday.
Находить/ знаходити
Find, found, found

Eg. They found a nice church nearby.
Летать/ літати
Fly, flew, flown

Eg. We flew economy class to Brussels.
Забывать/ забувати
Forget, forgot, forgotten

Eg. I bet you forgot it.
Получать, добираться/ отримувати, діставатися
Get, got, got

Eg. She got a nice present from her friends.
Давать/ давати
Give, gave, given

Eg. They gave her a nice present.
Идти, ехать/ йти, їхати
Go, went, gone

Eg. We went to the UK at the weekend.
Расти, растить (растения)/ розти, вирощувати (рослини)
Grow, grew, grown

Eg. My aunt grew tomatoes on a farm.
Иметь/ мати
Have, had, had

Eg. I had lunch with my co-workers at 2 pm.
Слышать/ чути
Hear, heard, heard

Eg. Did you hear the latest news?
Прятать/ ховати
Hide, hid, hidden

Eg. The children hid in the garden.
Бить, ударить/ бити, вдарити
Hit, hit, hit

Eg. The bullet hit the police officer in the shoulder.
Держать, вмещать, занимать/ тримати, вміщувати, займати
Hold, held, held

Eg. The company holds a lot of property.
Держать, содержать, беречь/ тримати, утримувати, берегти
Keep, kept, kept

Eg. She kept a dog for seven years.
Знать/ знати
Know, knew, known

Eg. I knew the answer to that question.
Узнать, учить, изучать/ дізнатися, вчити, вивчати
Learn, learnt, learnt (British)
* Learn, learned, learned (American)
Eg. He learnt 100 irregular verbs.