Irregular Verbs Flashcards
Base form: be
Past tense: was and were
Past participle: been
Translation: ser ou estar
Base form: Become
Past tense: became
Past participle: become
Translation: tornar-se ou transformar-se
Base form: begin
Past tense: began
Past participle: begun
Translation: começar
Base form: Bite
Past tense: bit
Past participle: bitten
Translation: morder, (inseto) picar
Base form: Blow
Past tense: Blew
Past participle: Blown
Translation: soprar, levar (vento), soar ou tocar apito
Base form: break
Past tense: broke
Past participle: broken
Translation: quebrar, fazer uma pausa.
Base form: bring
Past tense: brought
Past participle: brought
Translation: trazer, levar
Base form: build
Past tense: built
Past participle: built
Translation: construir, criar
Base form: buy
Past tense: bought
Past participle: bought
Translation: comprar
Base form: Catch
Past tense: caught
Past participle: caught
Translation: pegar, apanhar, agarrar
Base form: choose [tiúz]
Past tense: chose [tchouz]
Past participle: chosen [tchouzen]
Translation: escolher, selecionar
Base form: come
Past tense: came
Past participle: come
Translation: vir, chegar
Base form: cost
Past tense: cost
Past participle: cost
Translation: custar, valer
Base form: cut
Past tense: cut
Past participle: cut
Cortar-se, reduzir, lapidar(pedra)
Base form: cut
Translation: cortar, reduzir, lapidar
Past tense: cut
Past participle: cut
Base form: deal
Translation: negociar, lidar, dar golpe
Past tense: dealt
Past participle: dealt
Base form: Do
Translation: fazer
Past tense: did
Past participle: done
Base form: draw
Translation: desenhar, empatar
Past tense: drew
Past participle: drawn
Base form: Drink
Translation: beber
Past tense: drank
Past participle: drunk
Base form: drive
Translation: dirigir, levar (de carro)
Past tense: drove
Past participle: driven
Base form: eat
Translation: comer
Past tense: ate
Past participle: eaten
Base form: fall
Translation: cair, baixar (preço, temperatura inflação)
Past tense: fell
Past participle: fallen
Base form: feed
Translation: alimentar-se, nutrir-se
Past tense: fed
Past participle: fed
Base form: feel
Translation: sentir-se
Past tense: felt
Past participle: felt
Base form: fight
Translation: lutar, brigar
Past tense: fought
Past participle: fought
Base form: Fit
Past tense: Fit
Past participle: Fit
Translation: ajustar, adaptar, servir (roupa)
Base form: fly
Past tense: flew
Past participle: flown
Translation: voar, pilotar
Base form: forget
Past tense: forgot
Past participle: forgotten
Translation: esquecer
Base form: Forgive
Past tense: forgave
Past participle: forgiven
Translation: perdoar
Base form: freeze
Past tense: froze
Past participle: frozen
Translation: congelar
Base form: get
Past tense: got
Past participle: got/gotten
Translation: ter, obter, conseguir, ganhar, receber
Base form: give
Past tense: gave
Past participle: given
Translation: dar
Base form: go
Past tense: went
Past participle: gone
Translation: ir
Base form: grow
Past tense: grew
Past participle: grown
Translation: crescer, cultivar
Base form: have
Past tense: had
Past participle: had
Translation: ter, comer, beber
Base form: hear
Past tense: heard
Past participle: heard
Translation: escutar, ouvir
Base form: hide
Past tense: hid
Past participle: hidden
Translation: esconder-se, tapar
Base form: hit
Past tense: hit
Past participle: hit
Translation: bater, acertar, afetar
Base form: hold
Past tense: held
Past participle: held
Translation: segurar, agarrar, realizar (reunião)
Base form: hurt
Past tense: hurt
Past participle: hurt
Translation: ferir, machucar, magoar, prejudicar
Base form: keep
Past tense: kept
Past participle: kept
Translation: guardar, manter
Base form: know
Past tense: knew
Past participle: known
Translation: saber, conhecer
Base form: lay
Past tense: laid
Past participle: laid
Translation: colocar, por(ovos), instalar
Base form: lead
Past tense: led
Past participle: led
Translation: conduzir, guiar, liderar
Base form: leave
Past tense: left
Past participle: left
Translation: partir, deixar, sair
Base form: lend
Past tense: lent
Past participle: lent
Translation: emprestar
Base form: let
Past tense: let
Past participle: let
Translation: deixar, permitir
Base form: lie
Past tense: lay
Past participle: lain
Translation: deitar-se, jazer
Base form: light
Past tense: lit
Past participle: lit
Translation: iluminar, ascender-se, clarear
Base form: lose
Past tense: lost
Past participle: lost
Translation: perder
Base form: make
Past tense: made
Past participle: made
Translation: fazer, causar
Base form: mean
Past tense: meant
Past participle: meant
Translation: significar, querer dizer
Base form: meet
Past tense: met
Past participle: met
Translation: encontrar, conhecer
Base form: pay
Past tense: paid
Past participle: paid
Translation: pagar
Base form: put
Past tense: put
Past participle: put
Translation: colocar, por
Base form: quit
Past tense: quit
Past participle: quit
Translation: desistir, abandonar (vício)
Base form: read
Past tense: read
Past participle: read
Translation: ler
Base form: ride
Past tense: rode
Past participle: ridden
Translation: cavalgar, andar de (bicicleta, moto), viajar / ir de
Base form: ring
Past tense: rang
Past participle: rung
Translation: tocar (sino, campainha), ligar (fone)
Base form: rise
Past tense: rose
Past participle: risen
Translation: subir, elevar-se, nascer (sol), ressuscitar
Base form: run
Past tense: ran
Past participle: run
Translation: correr, funcionar (máquina), administrar
Noun: ação recíproca, efeito recíproco, ação combinada
Choices - escolhas ( noun: escolha, opção, preferência, seleção, sortimento, faculdade de escolher, a melhor parte, fina-flor)
Chances - Chances (noun: chance, oportunidades, possibilidades, risco, perspectiva, acaso, sorte, probabilidade, risco, ventura, acidente) (verb: arriscar, acontecer, calhar, suceder)
Changes - mudanças ( verb: alterar, mudar, cambiar, converter) (noun: mudança, alteração, troco, câmbio, conversão, modulação, troco de dinheiro, fase da lua)