Irregular Verbs 001-050 Flashcards
surgir, levantarse
arise /əˈraɪz/, arose /əˈrəʊz/, arisen /əˈrɪzn̩/ # Problems always arise during such protests for human rights. # Disputes arose over who would be the first to speak. # Many questions have arisen recently over the origin of life.
despertarse, despertar
awake /əˈweɪk/, awoke /əˈwəʊk/, awoken /əˈwəʊkən/ # Mary will awake in an hour because she has to go to work. # I awoke in the middle of the night when I heard that noise. # The patient has awoken from a two-week coma.
ser, estar
be, am, are, is /biː/ /æm/ /ɑː/ / ɪz/, was, were /wɒz/ /wɜː/, been /biːn/
soportar, aguantar, parir
bear /beə/, bore /bɔː/, borne / born /bɔːn /bɔːn/ # I cannot bear her bad manners anymore. # The child bore the pain without complaint while the doctor cured the injuries on his arm. # The actor was born in a small village in Argentina.
golpear, derrotar, batir
beat /biːt/, beat /biːt/, beaten /ˈbiːtn̩/ # My neighbor beats his wife every night. He should be arrested. # Do you think you can beat Jack at chess? # My team has been beaten four times already.
convertirse en, llegar a ser, volverse, ponerse
become /bɪˈkʌm/, became /bɪˈkeɪm/, become /bɪˈkʌm/ # My son wants to become a doctor when he grows up. # Bill won the lottery and became rich overnight. # Obesity has become a problem in the United States.
begin /bɪˈɡɪn/, began /bɪˈɡæn/, begun /bɪˈɡʌn/ # The alphabet begins with the letter “a”. # It began to rain just as we were going out. # They had begun to work when the bell rang.
doblar, torcer, inclinarse
bend /bend/, bent /bent/, bent /bent/# The river bends beyond that tree. # The doctor bent over to examine the patient. # Be careful! You have bent my glasses.
bet /ˈbet/, bet /ˈbet/, bet /ˈbet/ # It is possible to bet on almost anything nowadays. # Mary bet a lot of money on that horse that came in last. # John has bet ten dollars that he can beat me in a tennis match.
ofrecer, pujar, licitar
bid /bɪd |/, bid /bɪd/, bid /bɪd/ # The English company will be bidding for the oil contract. # At the auction, James bid $5,000 for the painting. # Bill has bid the highest price for the book at the auction so far.
atar, encuadernar, unir
bind /baɪnd/, bound /baʊnd/, bound /baʊnd/ # You can use this ribbon to bind the package. # I’ve got Shakespeare’s Complete Works bound in leather. # A strong culture has bound the Chinese people together for many years.
morder, picar
bite /baɪt/, bit /bɪt/, bitten /ˈbɪtn̩/ # When Jack is nervous, he bites his pencil. # My neighbor’s dog bit Sally the other day. # During the picnic, we were bitten by mosquitoes.
bleed /bliːd/, bled /bled/, bled /bled/ # The boxer had a black eye and his nose was bleeding. # The injured dog bled to death on the roadside. # Bill could have bled to death if the he had not received help.
soplar, explotar
blow /bləʊ/, blew /bluː/, blown /bləʊn/ # A freezing wind is blowing from the south. # Billy blew the candles of his birthday cake. # That terrible windstorm had blown all the trees down.
break /breɪk/, broke /brəʊk/, broken /ˈbrəʊkən/ # Please handle this vase /vɑːz/ with care or else you’ll break it. # The kid fell off the tree and broke his arm. # We can’t use our microwave because it is broken.
criar, engendrar
breed /briːd/, bred /bred/, bred /bred/ # He has a ranch in Mexico where he breeds horses # Those dogs were traditionally bred for protection. # The puppies that my dog has bred will be given away.
bring /brɪŋ/, brought /ˈbrɔːt/, brought /ˈbrɔːt/ # Can you bring me the newspaper from the bedroom? # Astronauts brought back a piece of the moon. # They ate all the food we had brought for the party.
radiar, transmitir
broadcast /ˈbrɔːdkɑːst/, broadcast /ˈbrɔːdkɑːst/, broadcast /ˈbrɔːdkɑːst/ # Our TV always broadcasts the local celebrations. # The tennis match will be broadcast in the morning. # CNN has broadcast a documentary on terrorism.
edificar, construir
build /bɪld/, built /bɪlt/, built /bɪlt/ # The government plans to build new schools in this area. # The survivors built a raft and were able to get to the shore. # More and more hotels are built for tourists in this region.
burn /bɜːn/, burnt /burned /bɜːnt bɜːnd/, burnt / burned /bɜːnt/bɜːnd/ # Many people exercise to burn calories. # Susan burnt all the letters her boyfriend had written to her. # The historical building was burnt to ashes by vandals.
reventar, explotar
burst /bɜːst/, burst /bɜːst/, burst /bɜːst/ # I hate balloons when they burst. # One of our car tyres burst after hitting a pothole. # My son started to cry because his balloon had burst.
buy /baɪ/, bought /ˈbɔːt/, bought /ˈbɔːt/ # I have been saving some money to buy a new car. # The old lady was feeling lonely so she bought a dog. # She told her grandson that she had bought a lot of candy for him.
arrojar, lanzar, echar, emitir
cast /kɑːst/, cast /kɑːst/, cast /kɑːst/ # The tall building casts a shadow over the park. # The fisherman stopped his boat and cast the net into the river. # The news which had cast doubts on the president’s honesty was false.
atrapar, asir, coger
catch /kætʃ/, caught /ˈkɔːt/, caught /ˈkɔːt/ # Spiders use their webs to catch insects. # Jack caught the train at seven o’clock that morning. # The thieves were caught when they were coming out of the shop.