Iron Metabolism & Absorbtion Flashcards
What is Fe used for?
Readily exchanges e⁻, ideal catalyst for redox rxns, important role in e⁻ transport chain, O₂ transport, heme, stored in ferritin, myoglobin & enzymes
Where is Fe stored?
Much in RBCs some stored in ferritin, myoglobin & enzymes
What regulates bodies Fe content?
Modulating absorption (intestine)
What is the regulated pathway for Fe excretion?
There isn’t one
What does too much Fe do?
It’s interaction w/ O₂ can promote cellular damage
What is the total amount of Fe found in the body and how much is in RBCs?
3-5 g total, 2.7 g in RBCs
How much Fe is needed daily to support Hb production?
25 mg
What is the distribution of Fe in a normal man?
Hemoglobin: 67%
Storage Fe: 27%
Myoglobin: 5%
Fe-requiring proteins: 1%
In what forms does Fe exist?
Fe2+ (ferrous) Fe3+ (ferric)
In what forms does Fe exist?
Fe²⁺ (ferrous) Fe³⁺ (ferric)
What is ferritin, its location, and purpose?
Intracellular protein found in most cells that binds thousands of Fe3+/molecule
What is ferritin, its location, and purpose?
Intracellular protein found in most cells that binds thousands of Fe³⁺/molecule
Where is excess Fe mainly stored?
Liver, lunges, pancreas
What are the Fe transport proteins?
Ferrireductase, DMT1 (divalent transporter-1), Hephaestin, Ferroportin
In what form is dietary Fe?
Fe³⁺ (ferric)
What reduces ferric Fe to the ferrous form?
Dcytb (duodenal cytochrome-like b, Fe³⁺→Fe²⁺, ferric→ferrous
What reduces ferric Fe to the ferrous form?
Dcytb (duodenal cytochrome-like b, Fe³⁺→Fe²⁺, ferric→ferrous
What transports Fe outside the cell into the blood?
Ferroportin, basolateral surface → blood
What does ferroportin require to perform transport?
Ferroxidase (Hephaestin)
What carries Fe from the blood to the bone marrow?