Iron/Iron deficiency anaemia Flashcards
Iron Deficiency anaemia (IDA)
Not enough iron.
- Anaemia = Body produces/Has less RBC than normal OR less haemoglobin
= Causes struggle in supplying O2 to the body
- Less iron is most common cause of lack of O2, Iron is needed to make haemoglobin.
Only give iron if sure they are deficient of it.
- Exclude serious underlying causes b4 treatment (GI cancer/Erosion)
Conditions that NEED iron prophylaxis:
- Pregnancy
- Menorrhagia (Heavy period)
- Malabsorption
- After sub total/total gastrectomy
- Haemodialysis PTs
- Manage low birth weight infants
Symptoms of iron deficiency
Conc. issues
Memory issues
Unable to exercise
Hair loss
Brittle nails
Cuts/grazes take long to heal
Sore tongue
Sore corner of mouth
Types of oral Iron supplements
Iron salts
Iron salts preferred to be given via mouth.
- little difference between iron salts
- AEs/Cost decide the one used.
Normal dose - 100-200mg daily (usually dried ferrous sulphate)
NEED to know iron content in iron salts: (Table)
Ferrous fumarate 200mg - 65mg iron
Ferrous gluconate 300mg - 35mg
Ferrous sulfate 300mg - 60mg
Ferrous sulfate dried 200mg - 65mg
Compound preps
Iron + folic acid
- Used in pregnancy if high risk of developing iron & folic acid deficiency (400mcg)
- folic acid used to prevent neural tube defects is 5mg
- folic acid in compound preps dose too small to treat megaloblastic anaemia
- Some preps also have ascorbic acid
MR preps
- OD no advantage therapeutically
Parenteral Iron
Examples: Dextran, Sucrose, Ferric carboxymaltose
Used when:
- Oral Fail
- Pt not trusted to use oral
- Malabsorption
- Continuous blood loss
- Chemo induced anaemia
- Haemodialysis PTs
AEs of iron
Black tarry stool
GI irritation, nausea, epigastric pain
Iron can worsen diarrhoea in PTs with IBS
Can take after food to reduce AEs
- Best absorbed on empty stomach tho
Can discolour stools (Black tarry)