IRMER Flashcards
Ionising radiations regulations 2017 IRR17
Too effect 1st jan 2018
The ionising radiation (medical exposure) regulations 2017 (IRMER17)
Took effect 6th feb 2018
Why new regulations
Basic safety standards directive 2013 (European council directive 2013)
The ionising radiations regulations 2017
Graded approach
1. Notification
2. Registration
3. Consent
- Notification - work with low concentrations of radionuclides (low risk)
- Registration - work with radiation generators (most dental practices) and artificial radionuclides
- Consent - administering radiopharmaceuticals to patients (high risk)
Local rules
- Introduction
- Roles and responsibilities
- Appointed persons
- radiation protection advisor and supervisor
Radiation protection advisor
The employer must consult an RPA about observance of the regulations
- plans for installation
- acceptance of new / modified equipment
- PPE / controlled areas
RPA (required under IR17) and MPE (medical physics expert) required under IRMER17)
+ must have certificate of competence
Radiation protection supervisor
Supervises the radiation work
- understand regulations / precautions / handle emergency
- must be adequately trained