Irish essay (full) Flashcards
without a doubt
gan amhras
truth be told the saying “everyone has an opinion
ta firinne ag baint leis an seanfhocal “ Ní lia duine ná tuarim
and cause of that you would be a fool unless it is agreed that many people are saying that Irish is not suited to modern society where there is an emphasis on multiculturalism.
Agus mar sin bheifeá i d’amadán mura n-aontaítear go bhfuil a lán daoine ag rá nach bhfuil an Ghaeilge oiriúnach don tsochaí nua-aimseartha ina bhfuil béim ar an gcultúr go léir.
believe it or not it is often said by certain people that it would be worthwhile for the people of Ireland
Creid nó ná creid is minic a deirtear ag daoine áirthe go mb’fhiú do mhuintir na hEireann
to face the truth (give face to the future) and be without any connection with the ancient language
ár n-aghaidh a thabhairt ar an todchaí gan aon cheangail a bheith againn le teanga sean-aiseartha
I am of the opinion that the irish language is part of our heritage and we have to protect it
Taim fein den tuairim go cuid dár n-oidhreacht í an Ghaolainn agus go gcaithfimid í a chaomhnú
We must as a country do it together
Ní mór duinn mar thír í a dhéanamh le cheile.
Like they say “ there is strength in numbers
Mar a deirtear “ ní neart go cur le chéile
Irish has a long and complex history
tá stair fhada chasta ag baint leis an Gaelainn
It is one of the oldest surviving languages in Europe and was widely spoken in the country until the mid-nineteenth century
is ceann de an teangacha is sine atá ar an bhfód fós í san Eoraip agus bíodh sí á labhairt go forleathan sa tír go dtí lár an naoú céad déag
unfortunately (bad songs of life)”life is strange
ar mhí-amhránaí an tsaoil “ is ait an mac an saol
and it pains me to say that the great famine destroyed , in the mid-nineteenth century
agus is oth liom a rá gur réab an Gorta Mór í i lár an naóu haoise déag
and for that reason millions left the country
agus dá bharr , d’fhág na milliúin an tír
the truth is hurtful, and I suppose that the people of ireland understood that at that time English will be essential for emigration
Bíonn an fhírinne searbh agus is dócha gur thuig muintir na hÉireann ag an am san go mbeidh Béarla riachtannach don eisimirce
If it wasn’t for the efforts of organizations such as Conradh na Gaeilge etc, it is likely that the language would have dried up
murach iarrachtaí na n-eagraíochtaí ar nós Conradh na Gaeilge srl , is dócha go mbeadh an teanga imithe le sruth
Years ago there was an emphasis on learning off notes off by heart
Blianta ó shin , sa chúrsa Gaeilge, bheadh an-bheim ar nótaí a fhoghlaim de ghlan mheabhair
there has been a sort of decline in recent years therefore the government emphasized the speaking of the language and we see that forty per cent of the mark is awarded for the oral examination.
bhí saghas meath ag teacht le blianta anuas dá bhrí sin chuir an rialtas béim ar labhairt na teanga agus feicimíd go mbronntar daichead faoin gcead den marc iomalán don scrúdú cainte
this decision has undoubtedly given hope to the future of the language in schools without any doubt
tá an cinneadh seo tar eis dóchas a thabhairt do thodchaí na teangan sna scoileanna ar aon nos gan aon amhras
I feel that our culture is interwoven with the Irish language
Mothaím go bhfuil ár gcultúr fite fuaite leis an nGaeilge
You only have to look at our music/ dance to understand it
Ní gá ach feachaint ar an gceol nó ar rince chun é seo a thuiscint
certain people often say that only people in the Gaeltacht are watching TG4 or listening to radio na gaeltachta
is minic a bhíonn daoine áirithe ag rá nach mbíonn ach múintir an Gaeltachta ag féachaint ar TG4 nó ag eisteacht le radio na gaeltachta
that is not true in any case
ní fíor é sin in aon chor
TG4 is the one that people like(one that likes the boxes) and they have achieved a lot of money
Is é TG4 an stasiun is fear ar an mbosca agus tá éacht déanta acu leis an méid airgead a faigheann siad
This station is creating a new image of the language
Tá an staisiúin seo ag cruthú íomha nua den teanga
im hopeful about the future of Irish but we must all be involved
táim dóchasach faoi todhchaí na gaeilge ach caithfimid go léir bheith páirteach ann
it has been under attack by foreign forces for centuries such as English and now modern technology, most of which is medium (english)
tá sí faoi ionsaí ó fhorsaí eachtrannacha leis na cianta cosúil leis an Béarla agus anois teicneolaíocht nua-aimseartha , an chuid is mó de atá trí mheán an bearla
languages are said to die in the world every year
deirtear go bhfaigheann teangacha bás sa domhain gach aon bhliain
In the future, our language will go from strength to strength with the help of TG4 and the Gaelscoileanna etc
dé cunamh dé, rachaidh ár dteanga ó neart go neart amach anseo le cabhair TG4 agus na Gaelscoileanna agus araile
we will be hopeful
bímis dóchasach