IR theories Flashcards
According to Wight, the 3 aspects of realism are:
- Belief in preventive war
- Acceptance of unlimited war
- Destruction of enemy
Reel off some realism characteristics
- war is inevitable
- state sovereignty is key
- state security/survival
- self-help
- intl structure is anarchic
- no morality
Which political theory best aligns with the security dilemma?
Which is both a feature of realism and internationalism?
State is dominant actor
The “stop the boats” campaign best reflects which IR theory?
What is the difference between realism/liberalism and Neo-realism/Neo-liberalism?
Realism/liberalism = begin analysis from understanding of human nature
Neo = begin analysis from understanding of the structure of the system (human nature is irrelevant)
What describes the liberal view on human nature?
- Some liberals have an optimistic view (peaceful & cooperative) BUT many agree with realists that human nature is bad
- human capacity for reason can be cultivated or educated & worst aspects can be removed
Which are the 3 types of feminist questions?
- invisibility question
- voice question
- significance question
Reel of some liberal characteristics
- ethics/values drives politics
- emphasis on legality
- justice shouldn’t stop at borders
- the TYPE of state is vital
- war is a failure of intl politics
- war is avoidable
- still operates with strong sense of state in politics
- ethical code for all
What is a common characteristic in liberalism and realism?
State in politics
What has an emphasis on humanity?
Which IR theory is preoccupied on what the world should be?
What is the Cosmo view on the state?
Value the significance of the state - they don’t see it as critical or necessary
What is the Cosmo view on war?
They don’t like it
- separates States
- divided loyalties
- war is a moral failure
David held argues that: human kind belongs to a single moral realm
Which political theory best describes this:
What is an internationalist?
- greater interconnectedness between states
- intl cooperation
Which theory best describes the mentality of self-preservation necessary to win the hunger games?
Which theoretical approach to foreign policy maintains that the same morality applied to individuals should also be applied to the states?
Feminism (domestic & intl should be the same sphere)
Or maybe pacifism
What is the feminist view on war?
- war is avoidable… It’s a failure
- if you want peace, socialise for peace & place women in power
- emphasis on equality
What is principled pacifism?
What is a consequentialist?
War is immoral BUT sometimes it can be moral (e.g. Jwt)
- calculation required (ends-based action; calculate at the end if it was positive or negative then make a decision
What was Mahatma Ghandi and Leo Tolstoy?
Deontological = absolute pacifist
Which statement best describes the JWT position on the morality of war?
- war can be moral
- war is not the worst thing you can do
- does not seek to justify war, it aims to limit war
- war must be tempered by morality
Which religion is most closely associated with the development of the JWT?
The first secular text to outline the principles of JWT was written by
Hugo Grotius
Which component of the JWT refers to determining the right to go to war
Jus ad bellum
What is a postmoderns view on truth?
- there is no such thing as truth outside power (power produces knowledge)
- there is a truth, but you cannot have full access to it
- all narratives are partial/subjectivist
- concerned with deconstructing and distrusting any account of human life claiming to have access to the truth
What is the postmodern view on war?
- war as instrument of the state to govern
- war is mediated: media frames war
- war as entertainment
- war as spectacle
- war is a powerful discourse
- if you want peace… First reveal the constructed discursive nature of war
What has an emphasis on in/visibility?
What is Laura Sjobergs view in JWT?
- feminism can save JWT
- motivating morality of feminism
What are the two gender based ideal types the just war narrative has traditionally relied upon according to Laura Sjoberg?
- women as beautiful souls
- just warrior
Jingo - “do you need an excuse to go to war?”
- which IR theory?
Which Article of the UN Charter recognises self-defence as a response to aggression?
According to JWT, going to war is ethically justified when?
All 6 criteria have been fulfilled
What is preventive war?
- could happen in the future so I’m going to bomb you do it doesn’t happen
- bush doctrine
- Iraq war = prevent enemy from gaining capability from becoming a threat in the future
Which JWT criterion is difficult to comply with in the case of preventive wars?
Last resort
According to JWT, when is it ethical for a state to launch a pre-emotive attack against another state?
Has to fulfil
- last resort
- reasonable necessity
- proportionate
Which event led to the establishment of the right to use ore-emotive force under customary law?
Caroline incident
Which war best fits the definition of pre-emptive war as recognised by the JWT?
Six Days War
What is the difference between a civilian and a non-combatant?
Civilian = can be a combatant Non-combatant = broader, can be a soldier
What is a legit target according to the current dominant interpretation of JWT?
Naked soldier
Civilians who become combatants = imminent threats
Which criteria of JWT does the double effect doctrine belong, and what is it?
- jus in bello
- death of innocence is morally excusable if it is not the intent of war
Michael Walzer proposes 4 conditions to satisfy the doctrine of double effect. These 4 conditions are:
- legit act of war
- effect has to be morally acceptable
- good intentions
- proportionality - sufficient good to compensate for the evil
Which jus in bello criterion is violated by the ISIS tactic to kill non-combatants as a means of propaganda and retaliation against the west?
What are the criteria for jus in bello?