IR Final Flashcards
Washington Consensus
Term to describe the policies that the international institutions based in Washington (IMF, World bank & US treasury department) come to favour the post colonial reconstrunction of economies in the developping world. Reconstruction of the economy: stabilize, privatize, liberalize.
definitions and types of international institutions
justifications for and against humanitarian intervention
For: Impartiality and non use of force
Against: They dont necessarily make things better and violates the concept of non intervention set up by sovereignty
Humanitarian Int: Human intervention carried out in pursuit of humanitarian objectives
When theres a crisis somewhere and then investors just take away all their investments from everywhere so it spreads the crisis everywhere.
Tragedy of the Commons
The threat posed to global commons by overpopulation for resources.
United Nations creation and structure
After 2nd world war, 1942, 26 countries in the start, San Francisco, then delegates of 50 states created the UN charter. Currently 193 members. A state joins the EU by aubmitting formal application for admission, consideration by security council.
Reformist and radical ecology
Reformist: L’environnement qui est en train de crash down ca affecte l’economie, et l’economie c’est important.
Radical: Revolutionnary solutions we don’t accept capitalism we don’t focus on economy, ecological
mutually assured destruction / deterrence
When a country knows that if they act in a certain way every country will act the same way: nuclear vs nuclear
Deterrence: Strategy to prevent an attack and you put emphasis of the likelyhood of the fight back.
Montreal Protocol
1987: environmental protocol, for the ozone layer
Demonstrates how int protocols can be effective
Responsibility to Protect
2 criterias: that outline the justification for military action, set up by the canadian government
1: Large scale lost of life, ex: genocide intent: carried out by state
2: Large scale ethnic cleansing by killing, terrorism or rape
Human Rights
Universal rights every human are entitled to because they are human.
3 gens of human rights
1: civil & political rights
2: economical, social & political
3: solidarity (communal right)
Revolutions in military affairs
RMA: developments in USA for new military strategy based on high tech technology and smart weapons
orthodox and alternative view of development
Orthodox: View of development: no poverty equals good economic growth, failure to satisfy material needs
Alternative view of development: Lack of material and non material needs so humanism kind of view, social and cultural inclusion: youre still poor
Enterprise capitalism: The market is self regulating
Social: They want to mix market competition with the need for social cohersion
State: State plays a social role
Colonial: World system theory
Bretton Woods
Agreement during 2n WW to plan the post war economy, 1944 to reconstruct a post war economy pour pas que ca collaps comme la premiere