IR Dates Flashcards
Franco Russian Alliance signed
Fashoda Crisis
Anglo-Japanese treaty
Anglo-French Entente
First Moroccan crisis
Anglo-Russian Agreement
Bosnia and Herzegovina annexed by Austria
Second Moroccan crisis
First and second Bulkan war
Sarajevo incident
28 June 1914
Austria declare war on Serbia
28 July 1914
Germany declare war on Russia
1 Aug 1914
Germany declare war on France
3 Aug 1914
German troops invade Belgium
4 Aug 1914
Britain declare war on Germany
4 Aug 1914
Germany invade Belgium and France
Aug 1914
Battle of Tannenberg
Aug 1914
Japan declare war on Germany
23 Aug 1914
Turkey Joined central powers
28 Oct 1914
Treaty of London signed by Italy, France, Britain and Russia
26 April 1915
Italy declare war on Austria-Hungary
23 May 1915
Battle of Verdun
Feb-Nov 1916
Battle of Jutland
June 1916
Battle of the Somme
July- Nov 1916
Unrestricted submarine warfare
January 1917
First Russian Revolution
Feb 1917
USA declare war on Germany
6 April 1917
Second Russian revolution (Bolsheviks take over)
Oct 1917
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
3 March 1918
German offensive on the western front
March-April 1918
German armistice
11th November 1918
Peace conference opened at Paris
18 Jan 1919
Treaty of Versailles signed with Germany
28 June 1919
Treaty of St Germain signed with Austria
10 Sept 1919
Treaty of Neuilly signed with Bulgaria
27 Nov 1919
T of V and League of Nations came into force
10 Jan 1920
Treaty of Triarion signed with Hungary
4 June 1920
Treaty of Servers signed with Turkey
10 Aug 1920
Plebiscite in Upper Silesia
March 1921
Germany reparations fixed at 132 Billion Gold marks
April 1921
Geneva Conference and Rapallo Treaty between Germany and USSR
April 1922
French and Belgium troops occupied the Rhur
11 Jan 1923
Treaty of Lausanne
23 July 1923
French Polish Alliance
March 1921
Washington Conference and Five-Power Naval Convention
Locarno Conference
Oct 1925
Allies evacuated cologne Zone
Jan 1926
German-Soviet Treaty of Friendship
April 1926
Germany Joined the league of Nations
sept 1926
Kellogg- Briand Pact- signed by fifteen states
27 Aug 1929
Hague Conference
Aug 1929
Wall Street Crash
29 Oct 1929
Great Depression
Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
30 Jan 1933
Germany left both LofN and the disarmament conference
Oct 1933
German-Polish Non-aggression pact
Jan 1934
Nazi uprising in Austria failed
July 1934
Hitler reintroduced conscription
March 1935
Stresa Conference
April 1935
Franco-soviet pact
Anglo-German Naval agreement
June 1935
Abyssinia invaded by Italy
Oct 1935
Rhineland remilitarised
March 1936
Start of the Spanish civil war
July 1936
Rome-Berlin Axis
Oct 1936
Anti-Comintern Pact
Nov 1936
Germany occupation in Austria (Anschluss)
12 March 1938
Sudeten Germans broke off negotiations with Prague
8th Sept 1938
Four- Power conference at Munich
29-30 Sept 1938
Germany occupy Bohernia and Moravia
15 March 1939
Anglo- French gaurantee of Poland
31 March 1939
Anglo-French gaurantee of Greece and Romania
13 April 1939
Britain and France declare war on Germany
3 Sept 1939
Germany invaded Poland
1 sept 1939
Pact of Steel signed in Berlin
22 May 1939
Nazi-Soviet pact
23 Aug 1939
Italy declare war on Britain and France
10 June 1940
Fall of France
22 June 1940
Tripartite pact signed by Germany, Italy, and Japan
27 sept 1940
Germany invasion into Russia
22 June 1941