IR 358 pt. 2 still wanna kms Flashcards
Bruce Jentleson
can target a countries entire economy or specific individuals, entities, or sectors
1. sender → entity imposing
2. Target → entity being sanctioned
3. third parties → other entities effected by sanctions
1. Primary
- limit military capabilities
- foreign policy restraint
- domestic political change
- Secondary
- Target deterrence
- third party deterrence
- symbolic action
How to measure success of sanctions?
Bruce Jentleson
- economic impact → yes if they impose heavy economic burdens on the reciever, but this isn’t enough, because they’ll adapt
- Costs of sender → take this into account, economically, political backlash, and strained relationship with third party
- Policy change → if the targeted policy has changed, but can’t be soley attributed to sanctions.
- Symbolic action → can be considered as successful even without achieveing primary objective, if the symbollic objective has changed
- 3rd party deterrence → if it’s deterred 3rd parties from engaging in similar activities. V hard to know the extent that sanctions played in this tho.
- Target deterrence → did it deter the target? Hard to know the extent of impact sanctions had
Example: Russia/Crimea 2014
Did Sanctions Against Russia During the Ukraine War Help?
- they hurt the EU more than it hurts Russia
- Only ensured that Russia found new trading partners
- Russia is too rich of a state to be impacted
- The cost of the sanctions couldve been used to do more good for the Ukraine
- Easy to impose, hard to end
- First sanctions were in 2004, and they obvi didn’t work
- Inflation in West went crazy
- the less money Russia has = less damage they can do
- It’s safer for the West to not be reliant on Russia
- Less educated people in Russia, because the educated leave (to Bilkent)
- Lower private investments
- Morally, we have to
Theories for Sanctions
- Commercial Liberalism:
- Absolute gains → peace means continue reaping benefits
- Trade = Peace - Capitalist Peace Theory
- more capitalistic states = more peace
- Economic freedom is 50x more effective in reducing violent wars than democracy - Complex interdependence
Joseph NYE and Keohane
- Transnational actors become very sensitive to and dependent on the needs of other states and actions
- Absence of hierarchy in issues
______Political Process____
- linkage strategies → coercion
- Agenda formation - ex. I think climate is important, and you will do if I incentivize you
economic nationalism
- “no free trade”
- “we can do it ourselves”
this is why Russia wasn’t hit hard with sanctions during the war
Ethnic Conflict Definition
if a group shares; common name, believed common descent, elements of a shared culture (religion/language), common historical memories, or an attachment to a particular territory. - Anthony Smith
What is ethnic conflict?
Stuart Kaufman
Primordialists → ethnic conflict = ancient hatreds, impossible to eradicate. People have multiple identities that’re either ‘Nested’ or overlapping.
Instrumentalists → crisis leads to identity change ex. when Yugoslavia fell, people became Croats, Serbs, etc.
customs are invented traditions with identified heroes, and villains of their ethnicity to create symbols.