IPFDA Claims Flashcards
IPFDA Grounds
The deceased failed to make reasonable financial provision for the applicant.
IPFDA –timing
Claim must be brought within 6 months of the grant of representation was issued.
IPFDA – jurisdiction
The deceased (but not the applicant) must reside in England & Wales
IPFDA – applicant categories
- Spouse.
- Former spouse.
- Cohabitee for 2 years immediately before death.
- Child.
- Someone treated as a child by the deceased.
- Any other person who was maintained by the deceased immediately before their death.
Meaning of maintenance in relation to applicant category
Substantial voluntary contributions in money/money’s worth towards the reasonable needs of that person (other than in a commercial setting).
Property IPFDA applies to
- Succession estate.
- Statutory nominations and DMCs.
- Severable share of joint property.
- Any property over which the deceased had an unexercised general power of appointment.
- Any other property disposed during life but caught by the anti-avoidance regime.
Orders under IPFDA
- Lumo sum.
- Periodic payments.
- Transfer of property.
- Acquisition of property for transfer.
- Variation of marriage/civil partnership settlements.
- Variations of trusts on which D’s estate is held.
Standards of reasonable provision
- Spouse standard – financial provision necessary in all circumstances whether or not necessary for maintenance.
- All other applicants – financial provision necessary in all circumstances for maintenance.
When can the spousal standard be extended?
- Cohabitees for 2 years.
- Former spouses divorced/separated within 12 months of death.
- Where no order for financial provision has been made in any ancillary proceedings.
IPFDA – common guidelines to all applicants
- Financial needs/resources of the applicant, other applicants and any beneficiaries.
- Deceased’s obligations to other applicants/beneficiaries.
- Size and nature of the estate.
- Physical/mental disability of any applicant/beneficiary.
- Any other considerations the court thinks relevant.
IPFDA – additional guidelines for spouses
- Applicant’s age and duration of marriage.
- Whether the applicant has made any contributions to the welfare of D’s family.
IPFDA – additional guidelines for former spouses
- Applicant’s age and duration of marriage.
- Whether the applicant has made any contributions to the welfare of D’s family.
- Provision that the applicant might have been reasonably expected to receive in divorce proceedings.
IPFDA – additional guidelines for cohabitees
1.Applicant’s age and duration of marriage.
2. Whether the applicant has made any contributions to the welfare of D’s family.
IPFDA – additional guidelines for children
- Manner in which the applicant was educated/trained (or expected to be).