IPC Flashcards
What is the chain of infection?
Infectious agent
Portal of exit
Mode of transmission
Portal of entry
Susceptible host
Explain each role of the links in the Chain of Infection?
Infectious agent
–micro-organism that can cause infection e.g. BBV
–where the infectious agent lives and grows
Portal of exit
–How the IA leaves the reservoir
Mode of transmission
–how the IA is spread from one site to another
Portal of entry
–how the IA enters the body
Susceptible host
Name the actions that we can use to break the links in the Chain of Infection.
Standard Infection Control Precautions
When should standard infection control precautions be used?
To be used by all staff, in all care settings, at all times for all patients whether infection is known to be present or not
Name the SICPs most relevant to dentistry.
Hand hygiene
Personal Protective Equipment
Safe Management of Care Equipment
Safe Management of Care Environment
Safe Management of Blood and Body fluid spillages
Safe Disposal of Waste (inc. sharps)
Occupational Safety: Prevention and Exposure Management (including sharps)
Respiratory and Cough Hygiene
How should blood and body fluid spillages be managed?
Local policy must be followed
Appropriate PPE to be worn, apron, mask, gloves and eye protection
Organic matter to be removed using disposable absorbent towels, dispose of in healthcare waste
Apply the appropriate granules or solution to disinfect the area, leave for the required time
Granules to be removed using a scope, dispose of granules in healthcare waste
Area to be cleaned using water and general-purpose detergent then dried with paper towels or air dried
All waste including PPE to be disposed of in healthcare waste
Perform hand hygiene
Name the agents used when dealing with a spillage.
Sodium Hypochlorite
What is the contact time for chlorine releasing agents?
3 minutes
According to manufacturer’s instructions
What concentration of these granules should be used?
10,000 parts per million available chlorine (ppm)
Give examples of waste disposed of in the orange waste stream.
Patient bib
Contaminated wrapping
Rubber dam sheets
Clinell wipes
What is disposed of in the black waste stream?
General waste
Instrument wrapping
Explain when the temporary closure mechanism on sharps boxes should be used.
When the container is left unattended, or it is not in use
How is the temporary closure mechanism engaged?
One click for temporary closure
Two clicks for permanent closure
What type of sharps are disposed of in the blue lid sharps box?
Where do all other sharps go?
E.g. half filled local anaesthetic cartridges
All other sharps go into the orange lid container
Who is responsible for the disposal of sharps?
The user, operator, creator of the sharp is responsible for the sharp
No one other than the person who has used a sharp should be disposing of it