IP&C Flashcards
How to break chain of infection
- standard infection precautions (SIPCs)
Parts of the SIPCs
Hand hygiene
Respiratory and cough hygiene
Safe management of care equipment
Safe management of care env.
Safe management of waste (including sharps)
Safe management of blood and bodily fluids spillages
Occupations safety (prevention and exposure management (including sharps))
Safe disposal of waste
Corden off area
Organic matter removed using disposable towels and dispose in healthcare waste
Apply appropriate i.e. Sodium hypochlorite
What use for blood spillages
Sodium hypochlorite
Chlorine releasing agents placed for how long
3 mins
Or manufacturers concentration
Concentration of chlorine releasing agents
10000ppm available chlorine (av c)
Orange waste bin
- anything that’s come in contact with patient
Black disposable waste
Non contaminated items
When Temporary closure mechanism should be used
When left unattended
or not in use
How is temporary closure mechanism engaged in waste bins
One click temp
2 click permanent
Yellow box, blue or orange lid bins
Blue lid:
- cartridges of local with medicine remaining
Orange lid
- everything else (sharps)
- empty cartridges
Who is responsible for carrying out a risk assessment following sharps injury
Supervision clinician
Department team leader
Named nurse
Action taken if you have a sharps injury and patient refuses bloods
Same protocol is followed even if patient doesn’t consent to bloods being taken
Procedure followed when testing a patient and get absharps I just
IMMEDIATELY Stop what doing
Inform patient
Make sharp safe
First aid:
- encourage bleeding
- wash hands
Tell supervisor
Risk assessment carried out by appropriate person
Contact occupational health
Consent patient for bloods
What are the WHO 5 moments
- before touching patient
- after touching patient
- before clean/ sceptic procedure
- after procedure or bodily gloved exposure risk
- after touching a patients surroundings