IOS Chapter 1-3 Flashcards
Which of the following is an example of the first step of resocialization in a total institution such as prison?
Experiencing the removal of your existing identity
Timothy is a successful nurse who regularly earns accolades from his boss and co-workers. He is proud of his work and thinks of himself as someone who saves lives. One day, at a family gathering, Timothy’s older brother makes a joke about male nurses and everyone laughs. Timothy now believes his family has no respect for him because of his profession. Based on Cooley’s concept of the social mirror, what effect is this episode likely to have on Timothy?
Timothy will develop a more negative self-concept.
Which of the following agents of socialization provides a foundation for moral values, serves as an avenue for social mobility, and helps immigrants integrate into society?
Four-year-old Maureen and her friends like to pretend they are mothers. They imagine that their dolls are babies and feed them with fake plastic bottles. At the end of the day, they tuck their dolls into miniature beds and pretend they are taking a nap. How would Mead explain the behavior of Maureen and her friends?
The girls are taking on the roles of significant others.
What was the purpose of splitting the babies into two groups in Skeels and Dye?s experiment?
One-half received special treatment.
Which of Freud’s hypothesized personality parts controls a person’s set of moral behaviors?
The superego
What is a social environment?
The people we interact with regularly
When a child at school jumps ahead in the lunch line, a cafeteria worker scolds her and makes her apologize to others in the line before sending her to the principal’s office. The next day, the child considers cutting in line again but does not. In Freud’s view, this episode has contributed to the child’s development of __________.
the superego
Deborah has started to worry about her health and schedules monthly checkups with her doctor to make sure she is in good physical shape. She also finds herself frequently thinking about what she has accomplished and what she had hoped to achieve in her career. From this information, you can infer that Deborah is most likely in her __________.
later middle years
How do Piaget’s and Freud’s views on human development differ?
Freud believed that people were passive in their own development, while Piaget thought that they were active in their growth.
In Albania and parts of Bosnia and Serbia, it is a custom for some women to become men in order to __________.
support the family
Which of the following is a reason school children three hundred years ago made to witness executions?
To scare children into good behavior
What is the main difference between Freud’s and Mead’s early stages of development?
Freud emphasized the inborn drive for self-gratification, whereas Mead emphasized the imitation of others.
In many tribal societies, the passage into adulthood is marked by __________.
initiation rites
According to Piaget, children all over the world learn in what way?
They move from the concrete to the abstract.
In the case of Jack and Oskar, identical twins separated at birth, which of the following illustrates the effects of heredity on personality?
Both liked sweet liqueur and spicy foods.
According to sociologists Patricia and Peter Adler, a high school girl who is overweight and shy will likely be __________.
Which of the following is an effect the increasing aging population will have on society?
The younger generations will be forced to interact more with the elderly.
Gender __________ are the methods society uses to tell us how males and females are expected to act.
Which of the following is a goal of a total institution?
Forced resocialization
How do Piaget’s and Freud’s views on human development differ?
Freud believed that people were passive in their own development, while Piaget thought that they were active in their growth.
Mr. and Mrs. James buy boxing gloves for their son and a doll carriage for their daughter. What is this an example of?
Gender Socialization
The looking-glass self relates to the concept of me by __________.
helping us to see ourselves as we think others see us, which allows the objective ?me? to form
According to Piaget, children all over the world learn in what way?
They move from the concrete to the abstract.
Many high school and college students enjoy the excitement and control of __________.
video games