Invitations and acceptances Flashcards
The first card is in invitation, flip to the back to see the acceptance and section name
Creaking string sound
Another instrument joins
Section A, string sounds
Thumping fingers (like beginning, but not the beginning of the piece)
Likewise thumping fingers
Section Q, Gesualdo quotation
Quartertone interval between mf and ff, or quartertone trill between p and mf
Join in with double-stop or trill at the same pitch
Section F, unison subdued
Major 3rd (4:5) double stop, or major sixth (3:5) double stop or small minor seventh (4:7) double stop between p and mf
Cello plays the chord’s fundamental
(Section B, overtone chord type 1)
If M3: fund is 2 8ves below bottom note
If M6: fund is 8ve+5th below bottom note
If m7: fund is 2 8ves below bottom note
Descending pizz gliss at fast tempo with pauses, p
Similarly realize pizz
Section H, pizzicato clouds
A single note with very little vib, slow crescendo from pp to f, then decrescendo back to pp (perhaps repeat)
Join in w same note (ppp during the f of the inviting instrument) and dovetail cresc/decresc
(Section O, duet 2)
Pizz fff, then bow the same note ppp on another string
(Later in piece, can replace the fff pizz with a mf bowed, richly vibrated note that decrescendo to ppp and transitions to non vib)
A second instrument adds a different note to set up a new overtone chord consisting of fundamental, 3rd partial (8ve+5th), 5th partial (2 8ve+M3), and 7th partial (2 8ves+m7)
(Section C, overtone chord type 2)
Three-quarter-tone interval hold ff, then gliss up, around 5-12 seconds. Can repeat several times.
Attempt to realise the same double stop and glisssandi in canon (same pitch, same glis range)
(Section L, glissandi in neutral seconds)
Tritone double stop, between pp and p
A second tritone, with distance between top note of bottom instrument and bottom note of top instrument making a P5. (cello-viola or violin 2-violin 1 paired)
(Section E, Wyschnegradsky chord type 2)
Individual tone arco vibrato, basic dynamic between mp and mf
Play the same individual tone, arco vib, between mp and mf
Section K, wandering overtone chords
Tritone interval, 16th notes and pp
Play same tritone interval separated by octaves with identical rhythm. (Each instrument in separate 8ves)
A trill at any pitch with interval between neutral second and major 7th, pp, sul pont or ord
Another trill at any pitch, interval between neutral 2nd and major 7th
(Section M, wandering trills)
Major 7th double stop, between pp and p
Another M7 double stop, with the bottom note of each double stop forming a tritone (violin 1-violin 2 or viola-cello). Interval between bottom note of vln2 and top note of vla must form a P4.
(Section D, Wyschnegradsky chord type 1)
Excerpts from the Webern-like material given
No acceptance, as this section is mainly solo with overlaps possible. A 4-part texture of this can happen up to twice during the piece.
(Section G, expressive gestures)
Gettati arco or col legno, p, with rests
Interrupt rests with gettati, almost same pitch
Section N, duet 1
Pizz quadruple stop fff of 3 M7ths
pluck another quadruple stop of M7 fff
section P, pizz quadruple stops and high arco double stops
Highest note possible, arco, extremely softly
Respond with another pitch, highest note possible, arco, extremely soft
(Section J, extremely high notes)