Invisalign Clinical (Gardner) Flashcards
What is the key to have with Invisalign?
Backup plan
Does an orthodontist look at every invisalign case before sending it to the General dentist for approval?
If a general dentist does Invisalign, to what standard is the general dentist held?
The orthodontist
What case is good to start with?
Mild crowding (Class I mechanics) no skeletal problems
Should invisalign be used for canine expansion, particularly in the mandible?
Is invisalign indicated if a retainer would work?
Can invisalign be used to correct skeletal discrepancies?
What is the only ortho extraction that is compatible with invisalign?
Mandibular incisors only
If a patient is not compliant, are they a good candidate for invisalign?
Is it easy to correct deep bites with invisalign?
Can invisalign be used to correct an open bite?
Which is less expensive, more accurate, and able to accomplish more comprehensive movements: braces or invisalign?
How many sets of aligners should you almost always use?
2 sets (the second one is the refiner)
When can invisalign be done with surgery: pre- or post-surgery?
- Presurgery
2. Post surgery must go to standard braces
What can be done to allow the aligner to grab the tooth and bring the roots together?
Lean the tooth