Investments in Associates Flashcards
When is the equity method applied?
- the equity method is applied by entities that have joint control or significant influence over an investee (associate)
- entity which investor has significant influence
Significant influence
- entity can participate in/influence financial and operating decisions of an investee but does not have control
- ownership between 20%-50% = control
- consider: BOD representation, policy making decisions, transactions between the 2 entities, management interchange, technical information
Joint control
- contractually agreed sharing of control of arrangement, where decisions required unanimous consent of parties sharing control
- equity method of accounting when joint control provides rights to the net assets of the arrangement
Equity method: initial and subsequent measurement
- Initial: Cost
- Subsequent measurement: Add: equity income for the period, Deduct: dividends received from associate during the period
Acquisition differential
- difference between purchase price and BV at the date of purchase
- adjust for FV differentials that existed on acquisition
- Acquisition differential is composed of: difference in FV and BV of identifiable assets and liabilities, and Goodwill represents the expected value of future financial performance and equals purchase price - FV of identifiable assets and liabilities
How to find acquisition differential
acquisition differential
- BV of associates net assets x ownerships %
= Acquisition differential
+ / - FV differential (reduce the FV difference by the total FV differential x tax rate) x ownership %
= Goodwill (or negative goodwill)
Equity income
- associate continue to report at BV
- investor report at FV
- this is how FV differentials are taken into consideration
How to calculate equity income
Associate net income
x ownership %
= share of associates net income
+ / - FV differential (amortization) net of tax (reduce the FV difference by the total FV differential x tax rate)
+ realized intercompany G/L of prior years, net of tax
- unrealized intercompany G/L in current year, net of tax
= Equity income
Intercompany transactions
- when one company sells to the other and all the goods are not sold during the current year, the earnings should not be recognized
- the year that intercompany sale takes place: reduce equity income
- the year that inventory sold to third party: increase equity income
- the unrealized profit in inventory that must be eliminated at the end of the period: sales in ending inventory x gross profit x inventory ownership %
ASPE differences
- under ASPE when there is significant influence there is choice of equity method or cost method (IFRS = equity only)
- under ASPE, if the shares are public shares, there is choice to report at equity or FV method (IFRS = equity only)