Investments Flashcards
What is Pension Fund? And why do we need it?
( пенисионный фонд, капитал ) Пенсионный фонд — фонд, предназначенный для осуществления выплат пенсий по старости или по инвалидности
What are stocks?
What are bonds?
What is fees?
Cборы ( Взносы)
What is charges?
Who is financial advisor?
Финансовый консультант
What is annuity?
Аннуитет – это одинаковый по сумме ежемесячный платеж.
What is pension pot?
Your pension pot is the total amount of pension contributions you and/or your employer have made to save for your retirement.
What is an annuity rate?
An annuity rate is the percentage by which an annuity will grow each year.
What is cash lump sum?
единовременная денежная выплата
You could close your pension pot and take the whole amount as cash in one go if you wish – this is called a lump sum
What is fund provider?
Fund Provider means the manager or distributor of a Fund;
What is Annual Management Charge?
An Annual Management Charge is a yearly charge / fee a person has to pay to someone usually for management of an investment or pension fund. This charge is based on the value of a person’s fund.
What is Mutual fund?
(взаимный фонд) A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and invests the money in securities such as stocks, bonds, and short-term debt.
What is portfolio?
The combined holdings of the mutual fund are known as its portfolio
This is a combination of all your investition to fund ( 20 % to one, 30 % to another, 50 % to the third )
What is ISIN ( International Security Identification number) ?
An International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is a code that uniquely identifies a specific securities issue
Uniq id of fund which is common between platform and fund provider.
What is Fund set?
(SMART TERM) Is a way to group fund together that can be available for the specif company in the future.
What is available fund?
(SMART TERM) It’s a fund which a only availbale for spefic fund set
What is pension lifestyling?
Lifestyling is an investment strategy which provides automatic switching of your pension savings into another fund, or funds which generally have a lower risk profile or aligns your pension savings more closely to your plans for using these, as you get closer to your planned retirement age.
What’s a glidepath (fund strategy)?
(скольжение). A ‘glidepath’ describes a mechanism by which investment profiles automatically move a member’s pension pot into more secure investments as they get closer to their selected retirement age.
What is Target-Date Fund?
A target-date fund is a fund is a class of mutual funds that rebalances asset class weights over time so that it begins heavier to stocks when you are younger and heavier to bonds as you age
What is drawdown pension?
Income drawdown is a way of getting pension income when you retire while allowing your pension fund to keep on growing. Instead of using all the money in your pension fund to buy an annuity, you leave your money invested and take a regular income direct from the fund.