Investment Manager Selection Flashcards
Macro Attribution
+ Done at sponsor level
+ Measure effect of sponsor’s choice to deviate from strategic asset allocation
Micro Attribution
+ Done at manager level
+ Measure impact of portfolio managers’ allocation and selection decisions on total fund performance
Return-based Attribution
+ Use total return over a period only
+ Use for hedge fund when holding info is unavailable
+ Least informative and subject to data manipulation
Holding-based Attribution
+ Use beginning-of-period holdings of portfolio
+ More frequent data –> more accuracy
+ Not capture transaction during measurement period –> not reconcile to actual return
+ Residual (actual - holding-based return) = timing/trading effect
+ Appropriate for passive strategy (without much trading)
Transaction-based Attribution
+ Use weights and return of all transaction
+ Including transaction costs
+ Most accurate attribution analysis but difficult and time-consuming
appraisal ratio
= alpha / sigma
+ Alpha = return of portfolio - return suggest by CAPM
+ Sigma = standard deviation of the residual/unsystematic risk
+ Meaning: higher AR is generating more active return per unit of active risk
define the universe investment manager
(1) suitability
(2) Style
(3) Active & Passive
return base style & analysis
+ Top down approach
+ Estimate portfolio’s sensitivities to Market indexes for key risk factors
+ Available data
+ Comparable across managers and through time
+ Timely performed
+ Limit identification of decision during period -> distort (xuyen tac) recognition of manager added
+ Stale price for Real Estate, PE Fund, VC fund, … –> underestimate risk
+ Bottom-up approach
+ Estimate risk based on actual holding
Advantages: ~ RBSA
+ Increased computational requirement
+ Not appropriate for high turnover port
+ Understate risk for stale price of illiquid asset
Kich ban capture ratio
+ Long-only (100% Index) -> CR ~ 1
+ Positive Asymmetry (TT tang -> phan bo nhieu hon vao Index) -> CR > 1
+ Low beta (50% Index, 50% T-bill) -> CR =~1
+ Negative Asymetrym (TT tang -> phan bo it hon vao Index) -> CR < 1
matrix tracking risk - active share
+ Tracking risk low - active share low: Closet indexer
+ Tracking risk high - active share high: concentrated stock pickers
+ Tracking risk low - active share high: diversified stock pickers
+ Tracking risk high - active share low: sector rotation
3 types of Performance-based Fees
+ Symmetrical structure with full upside and downside exposures: Computed Fee = Base + Sharing of performance
+ Bonus with full upside and limited downside exposures: = Max (Base, Base + Sharing of positive performance)
+ Bonus with Limited upside and downside exposures = Max (Base, Base + Sharing of positive performance (within limit))
type I manager errors
Bo sot
+ hire/retain manager no skill
+ explicit cost (commission, tax, fee)
+ more painful than Type II
+ easier to measure than Type II (chi can so sanh voi benchmark la biet)
type II manager errors
Giet nham
+ Not hire/fire manager has skill
+ Oppotunity cost, the cost is not transparent
lower cost of type I and type II
+ Smaller difference in sample size
+ Smaller difference in return distribution means
+ Greater difference in return distribution dispersion
+ More efficient market
Investment Decision making process
(1) Idea Generation
(2) Idea Implementation
(3) Port construction
(4) Port monitoring
is the total peak-to-trough loss for a specific time period
maximum drawdown is largest peak to trough during time period
- Definition: security is mispricing
- Categories:
+ Behavioral inefficiencies: mispricings created by the actions of other market participants
+ Structural inefficiencies: create by internal/external rule or regulation
what type of strategy if:
+ low active share
+ low active risk
closet indexer:
phân bổ tỷ trọng các asset class giống với index và lựa chọn các cổ phiếu cũng giống với index
what type of strategy if:
+ low active share
+ high active risk
sector rotator
phân bổ tỷ trọng các asset class khá giống, tuy nhiên các tài sản trong asset class lại pick các loại khác benchmark
what type of strategy if:
+ high active share
+ high active risk
concentrate stock picker
Vừa allocate asset class khác với benchmark, đồng thời cũng pick các cổ phiếu khác đi
what type of strategy if:
+ high active share
+ low active risk
Diversified stock picker
Allocate asset class khác với benchmark, tuy nhiên các cổ phiếu lại chọn khá giống với benchmark
in mean reverting market, what type is lower cost, higher cost
Type I is lower cost
Type II is higher cost
implicit cost
Chi phí nội sinh:
+ Market/Price impact
+ Oppotunity cost
+ Delay cost
Explicit cost
Chi phí ngoại sinh:
+ Commission
+ Taxes & Fees