Investigations in Earth and Space Science Semester A 2014 Examination Flashcards
Balance (Skills and Processes)
To bring into equilibrium.
Skills and Processes
Conclusion (Skills and Processes)
The act of ending something.
Skills and Processes
Data Analysis (Skills and Processes)
The process of compiling, analyzing, and interpreting the results of primary and secondary data collection.
(Skills and Processes)
Dependent Variable ( Skills and Processes)
The outcome factor; the variable that may change in response to manipulations of the independent variable.
(Skills and Processes)
Density (Skills and Processes)
The amount of matter in a given space.
Skills and Processes
Graduated Cylinder (Skills and Processes)
Instrument used to measure volume of a liquid.
Skills and Processes
Hypothesis (Skills and Processes)
A message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence.
(Skills and Processes)
Independent Variable (Skills and Processes)
The experimental factor that is manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied.
(Skills and Processes)
Pattern (Skills and Processes)
A plan, diagram, or model to be followed when making things.
Skills and Processes
Pi Graph (Skills and Processes)
Divided into sectors that illustrate proportion.
Skills and Processes
Prediction (Skills and Processes)
A statement made about the future.
Skills and Processes
Procedure (Skills and Processes)
A process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work.
(Skills and Processes)
Range (Skills and Processes)
The limits of the values a function can take.
Skills and Processes
Ratio (Skills and Processes)
The relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a quotient).
(Skills and Processes)
Sample Size (Skills and Processes)
The number of subjects used in an experiment or study.
Skills and Processes
Scientific Model (Skills and Processes)
A representation of an object or event that can be studied to understand the real object or event.
(Skills and Processes)
Scientific Notation (Skills and Processes)
A method of writing or displaying numbers in terms of a decimal number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.
(Skills and Processes)
Trend (Skills and Processes)
The general direction in which something tends to move.
Skills and Processes
Absorption (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
The process when one thing becomes part of another thing, or the process of something soaking, either literally or figuratively.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Albedo (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
The fraction of solar energy (shortwave radiation) reflected from the Earth back into space.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Air Pressure (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
The force exerted by air, whether compressed or unconfined, on any surface in contact with it.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Angle of Incoming (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
An angle measured between an incoming light ray and a line drawn perpendicular to the surface of an object.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Atmosphere (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
The gaseous mass or envelope surrounding a celestial body, especially the one surrounding the earth, and retained by the celestial body’s gravitational field.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Biosphere (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
The part of the earth and its atmosphere in which living organisms exist or that is capable of supporting life.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Bottom Current (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
The movement of water along the bottom of reservoirs or rivers.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Circulation (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Free movement or passage. (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Cloud Coverage (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
The fraction of the sky obscured by clouds when observed from a particular location.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Conduction (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
The transfer of thermal energy from one particle of matter to another.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Convection (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Heat transfer in a gas or liquid by the circulation of currents from one region to another.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Coriolis Effect (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
The deflection of a body in motion with respect to the earth as seen by an observer on the earth, attributed to a hypothetical force but actually caused by the earth’s rotation.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Currents (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Streams of cool or warm water that continuously churn the oceans and affect climate over vast geographical zones.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Density Driven (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
A flow of water maintained by gravity through a large body of water, such as a reservoir or lake, and retaining its unmixed identity because of a difference in density.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
El Niño (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
A warming of the eastern tropical Pacific occurring every few years, which alters the weather pattern of the tropics.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
Energy Budget (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
A balance sheet of energy income against expenditure.
Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy
Energy Transfer (Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)
The transfer of energy of a given form among different scales of motion.
(Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy)