Investigations Flashcards
What is the investigation for myocarditis
Viral PCR
What is the investigation for bronchiolitis
What is the investigation for Endocarditis
3 sets of bloods Echocardiogram
What is the investigation for fibrosis
CT scan
What is the investigation for EAA
Lung biopsy
What is the investigation for Hep C
What is the investigation for achalasia
Oesophageal manometry
What is the investigation for cardiac tamponade
What is the investigation for aortic coarction
What is the investigation for obstructive sleep apnoea
What is the investigation for Ischaemic colitis
Biopsy and endoscopy
What is the investigation for GORD
What is the investigation for gastric cancer
Gastroscopy and biopsy
What is the investigation for NAFLD
What is the investigation for hepatic tumour
CT scan
What is the investigation for lactose malabsorption
lactose H2 breath test
What is the investigation for Meckel’s diverticulum
Radionuclide scan
What is the investigation for campylobacter
Stool culture
What is the investigation for Amoebiasis
Hot stool
What is the investigation for giardiasis
duodenal aspiration
What is the investigation for P.E
What is the investigation for aortic dissection
Chest CT
What is the investigation for AAA
What is the investigation for Tetralogy of Fallot
CXR (boot shaped heart)