Investigating Chronicles Flashcards
What are the basic steps that you will do upon receiving a report request?
- Identify the data elements you will need for the report
- Find the INI + item number of the data points to use on the report.
- Use the INI+ item numbers to find the appropriate clarity tables and columns.
- Join the clarity tables together using the correct foreign key information.
Once you are sure what data elements you will need for your report, what are your next steps?
Find the INI + item number for the elements.
What is the INI + Item number?
It is the chronicles address for a piece of data.
True or False: The INI + connects to caboodle and it is an address from there?
False, The INI + item number is the chronicles address for a piece of data. It is with this chronicles address that you can map the data point the appropriate table and column in clarity.
True or False: The Chronicles address helps you map data points and makes connections to table and column in clarity?
True, because the INI+ Item number is the chronicles address for a piece of data you are able to map the data point to the appropriate table and column in clarity.
True or False: If you do not know where the data is stored, you can use the item information window.?
True, if you do not know where the data is stored, once tool that a user can use in hyperspace to find the INI and Item number for data is the item information window.
True or False: You cannot use the item information window when you are in a workflow?
False, the item information window is used when you are in the workflow and can edit the field where the data is entered as an end user.
How would you access the item information window?
When you control-left click on a data entry field in hyperspace, the item information window appears.
When you control-left click and the item information window appears, what does it provide?
This window provides the INI and item number in which this data is stored, a clarity table and column, and the items help text.
True or False: When pulling up the Item Editor, would the additional details appear at the bottom?
False, only if the user has the correct security, the additional details at the bottom will open the item editor for this item where you can learn more information like the items add type and response type.
What is the difference between the two in the picture?
If you see the yellow item information window you will see a section labeled SQL column title and SQL description. These are not clarity, they are KB_SQL used for the ETL process.
What type of fields does the Ctrl+Click work with?
The Ctrl+click method typically works on read/write fields in hyperspace.
When will the Ctrl+Click not work?
if a field is a read-only, ctrl + click will often not work, and some editable fields will not open the item information window when the control-click workflow is complete.
True or False: The record viewer is the item editor?
False, The record viewer is an activity in hyperspace that provides a read-only view of raw data in chronicles record.
What is the record viewer?
The record viewer is an activity in hyperspace that provides a read-only view of raw data in chronicles record. It shows all items set on a particular contact of a particular record.
True or False: In order to view data in record viewer, you do not need specify master file, record, nor the contact?
False, in order to view data, you must specify the master file, record, and contact for the data you want to see.
When the Ctrl+ Click method does not work in hyperspace, what can you do?
When the Ctrl+ Click method does not work in hyperspace field, or the report requestor does not know the field where a data point was entered, the record viewer is the most convenient place to find the INI+ item number for a piece of data.
True or False: When you know a specific record or contact identifying information, you can use the record viewer to view the values stored.
True, Identifying information would include the record ID (.1), an external ID, or a contact serial number (or CSN). Use the record viewer to see what is stored for that contact or to see related data within the master file and how it fits together.
True or False, you can use record viewer to see what is stored for that contact?
True, use the record viewer to see what is stored for that contact or to see related data within the master file and how it fits together.
What is a contact serial number?
A contact serial number or CSN will uniquely identify a contact within a master file.
What is the purpose of the = key?
When you are filling in a field in chronicles that looks up a record you can use the = key to bring in the last record used. In this case if you set up the INI to EPT and insert = into the record, it will automatically bring in your patient.
What does CTRL + F do?
This will bring up a search bar. The search bar will search through item names as well as values stored.
What does “Further Item Filtering > Text Search” mean?
This will filter the items shown to only value you searched for.
True or False: Here we see the category value of 101 in brackets, and the category value displayed, this format is how it is in clarity?
False, raw data stored in chronicles is only the category value. Thus, when the item is extracted to Clarity, only the category value of “101” will carry over.
True or False: There are many items that exist in a master file that are not filled out for every record?
True, this is common with medical data, since patients undergoing different types od levels of care will have data that is important to document. If the record viewer is able, it will display all possible items. The record viewer, by default will break the items into different pages for master files with many items.
What happens when you check the box include blanks in the item filters card?
Clicking include blanks will display every possible item that could be populated. There are many possible items that could be populated in the EPT master file.
In chronicles there are varies items that are stored and not everything is going to be applicable. We can include the blank items as well. If the record viewer is able, it will display all possible items. The record viewer, by default, will break the items into different pages for master files with many items.
True or False: Clarity columns can contain null values?
True, any clarity columns that is not a primary key can contain null values.
True or False: In Clarity foreign keys can not be null?
False, even foreign keys may be null.
What are the reasons for null values in clarity?
*Not all fields are populated in chronicles.
*ETL data cleansing deletes incorrectly formatted data.
*A column may no longer extract data because it is deprecated.
True or False: Chronicles does not use the data type of category?
False, some items in chronicles have a data type of category.
True or False: The category items are populated by a list?
True, these items are populated by a limited list of options called a category list.
What happens when you use a category list value as a filter?
When using a category list value as a filter, the query can run more efficiently when filtering on the category value itself rather than the name in the category list table. to find the name to display for a particular value, you need to see the category list.
True or False: Multiple items can not reference the same category list?
False, it is possible for multiple items in chronicles to reference the same category list.
How can you know if an item uses the same category list?
In the item editor, there is a link is stored in “where found”. That link would let a report writer know where the category list was stored in chronicles.
What are two ways to view a category list?
One is through the item editor. The other is through the category list maintenance activity in hyperspace.
When viewing the category values through item editor what is a limitation?
Category values may be displayed in the item editor in the category section, but the limitation is that it will only display the first 100 category values in a category.
How can you see the complete list of categories?
You can see the complete list by using the category list maintenance activity in hyperspace.
What is Add type?
Items add type describes how long a piece of data is valid. It determines whether an items value is stored on each contact, or directly to the record.
What is a NO-Add Type?
No add items store data directly on a record, not a specific contact. the value of a no-add item should be considered true for all contact on that record.
For example, a patients date of birth is a no-add item, and you can assume that no matter how many contacts the patient has, his date of birth is the same. If a no-add item is changed, the old value is replaced.
What is a Response Each Time?
Response each time items store values separately on each of a records contacts. If a response each time item is blank for a certain contact, it should be considered unknown.
For example, if a patient’s blood pressure is not collected during a certain visit to the doctor, you can not assume that it has not changed since the last time the patient blood pressure was taken.
What is Look Back Add type?
Look back items store values separately on each contact, but assume that the last value entered remains true until a new value is entered.
For example, the system automatically enters a patients age on each contact, but only if their age is different from the last time the patient was seen.
True or False: Both Response each time and Look back are also known as overtime add types?
True, since both response each time and lookback items store data on the contact, these add types may collectively be referred to as overtime add types.
What is one difference between No-add and overtime data?
No add data is stored at the record level, while overtime data is stored at the contact level.
True or False: An items response type determines how many lines of data an item can hold?
True, an example at any one time, a patient has only one date of birth, multiple symptoms, or a multi-line address. This is where the different response types of single response, multiple response, and related group come into play.
What is a single Response type?
Only one line of data can be stored per contact.
What is multiple response, response type?
Multiple lines of data can be stored per contact.
These lines might be discrete pieces of data, such as multiple symptoms or they might be multiple lines of a block of text, such as an address.
What is related group response type?
Multiple lines of data can be stored per contact, and each one of these liens is related to a line on another item.
These lines might refer to a list of relatives names and their phone numbers.
What is the difference between these?
A: Item Editor shows the definitions of a chronicles item. It does not show a particular value stored in the item, instead, it shows information about how the item behaves for all values.
B: Record Viewer is an activity in hyperspace that provides a read only view of raw data in chronicles record. It shows all items set on a particular contact of a particular record.
C: Item Information Window , you control-left click on a data entry field in hyperspace. This window provides the INI and Item number in which this data is stored, a clarity table and column.
D: The yellow Information window is similar to C but they are KB_SQL used for the ETL process.
True or False: Line 0 holds the number of registries enrolled in?
True, the item is a multiple response type. The typical convention for multiple response items is that line 0 holds the number of responses stored in that item, and the rest of the lines hold the values for different registries the patient is a part of. In this case, because the patient is in 4 registries, line 0 holds the number 4 to indicate that.
What is the Item Information Window?
One tool that a user can use in hyperspace to find the INI and item number for data is the item information window. The item information window is used when you are in the workflow and can edit the field where the data is entered as an end user.
What is Record Viewer?
The record viewer is an activity in hyperspace that provides a read-only view of raw data in chronicles record. It shows all items set on a particular contact of a particular record. In order to view data, you must specify the master file, record, and contact for the data you want to see.
When CRTL+ Click method does not work for a hyperspace field, or the report questor does not know the field where a data point was entered, the record viewer is the most convenient place to find the INI+ item number for a piece of data.
What is Contact Serial Number?
a contact serial number (CSN) will uniquely identify a contact within a master file. When you know a specific record or contact identifying information, you can use the record viewer to view the values stored. Identifying information would include record ID (.1), an external ID, or a contact serial number (CSN).
What is an Item Editor?
The Item Editor shows the definitions of a chronicles item. Note that it does not show a particular value stored in the item. Instead, it shows information about how the item behaves for all values.
The item editor is useful for investigating the properties on a given item comparing properties can help you decide which item is most appropriate to included in your query.
What is a category list?
Some items in chronicles have a data type of category. These items are populated by a limited list of options called a category list. when using a category list of values as a filter, the query can run more efficiently when filtering on the category value itself rather than the name in the category list table. To find the name to display for a particular value, you need to see the category list.
It is possible for multiple items in chronicles to reference the same category list. In a situation like that, you may notice in the item editor a link stored in where found-that link would let a report writer know where the category list was stored in chronicles.
What is Category List Maintenance?
There are many ways to view a category list. Category values may be displayed in the item editor in the category section, but the limitation is that it will only display the first 100. To see the complete list, use the category list maintenance activity in hyperspace.
What is an Add Type Response?
An items-add type describes how long a piece of data is valid. It determines whether an items value is stored on each contact, or directly to the record.
What is No-Add Type response?
No-add items store data directly on a record, not a specific contact. The value of a no-add item should be considered true for all contacts on that record. For example, a patients date of b9irth is a no-add item, and you can assume that no matter how many contacts the patient has, his date of birth is the same. if a no-add item is changed, the old value is replaced.
Response Each Time
Response each time items store values separately on each of a record’s contacts. If a response each time item is blank for a certain contact, it should be considered unknown. For example, if a patient’s blood pressure is not collected during a certain visit to the doctor, you cannot assume that it has not changed since the last time the patient’s blood pressure was taken.
Lookback items store values separately on each contact, but assume that the last value entered remains true until a new value is entered. For example, the system automatically enters a patient’s age on each contact, but only if their age is different from the last time the patient was seen.
Single Response:
Only one line of data can be stored per contact.
Multiple Response:
Multiple lines of data can be stored per contact. These lines might be discrete pieces of data, such as multiple symptoms, or they might be multiple lines of a block of text, such as an address.
Related Group
Multiple lines of data can be stored per contact, and each one of these lines is related to a line in another item. These lines might refer to a list of relative’s names and their phone numbers.
How can you use epic tools to conduct chronicles research.
Two of the main tools that one can conduct chronicles research on is by using the item information window or by using the record viewer. The item information window (Crtl+Click method) gives you the opportunity to find the INI and item number for data. Now, the Crtl+Click method does not work all the time, for example, it does not work with specific data fields. If a field is read-only, Crtl+Click method will often not work, and some editable fields will not open the item information window. Also, some users may not have the security to use the Crtl+Click method.
Record viewer provides a read-only view of raw data in chronicles record and you are able to view the INI and item number for a piece of data. When using the record viewer, you are able to put in the INI and then the record you are viewing. So for example, you want to see a patient you can use the record viewer put in EPT in the INI section and for record you can put in the patient name. Then you can search the contact.
Identify the add type and the response type of chronicles item.
You are able to find the add type in Item Editor.
Open an item in the item editor to find the item characteristics of an item.
- Open record viewer.
- Select the master file you want.
- Select the record you want.
4.You will click on the ept item that you want - This will bring us to a whole new page called the item editor.
Use Epic tools to look up category values for items.
When looking at an item in the record viewer you are able see the data in more detail you can. For example, if you want to look at a Patient, such as Shehulk, Aubrye and you want to look at the EPT item of .1 patient ID, you can click on it and it will bring the item editor where it tell you more information over that item. For example, it being a string data type. However, if you wanted to look into a category item, you are able to look at the category list. For example, state, Wisconsin.
The First Record Viewer
1. Go to record viewer
2. Put in the INI and the record you want to see
3. Select the contact
4. Go the state and click on it.
5. It will open the item editor.
6. Click on the where founds hyper link.
7. It will then list all the options for state and territories.
The Second, is Category List Activity
1. In the Search Bar put in category List maintenance.
2. For database put in EPT
3. Put in the Item number you want.
4. And you are able to see which id means what.
Open a record in the record viewer to begin chronicles research.
- Look for the search bar with the magnifying glass.
- Type in record viewer
- Under the INI select the master file that you want to search under.
- Select the record.
- Select the contact.
- Select view record.
Differentiate between records and contacts in chronicles.
Chronicles is divided into master files and a master file contain information about a broad subject. In this case, the master file is the patients master file. The INI refers to the master file we are looking at. Now within master file contains records and they are information about individual entities within a Masterfile. This further gets broken down into contacts (encounters AKA Visits) this contains information about points in time for a record. The difference between the two is that a record is the individual entities and the contact is the points in time of a record.
Explain the difference in how chronicles store and displays values in the record viewer.
The record viewer displays read-only data in chronicles record. It shows information of a particular record. The record viewer shows the category and also the value of the category but it later just moves that information over to clarity as a numerical value.
Explain some limitations to the item information window as tool for chronicles research.
The limitations of the CTRL+Click method is that it does not work with all data points. IF a field is read-only, the CTRL+Click method will not work, and some editable fields will not open the item information window when the control-click workflow is completed.