Invertebrates Flashcards
crab spider
family thomisidae
Boat bug
Enoplops scapha
False blister beetle
Oedemera podagrariae
Lynx spider
Oxyopes heterophthalamus
Girdled snail
Hygromia cinctella
European bicoloured ant
Lasius emarginatus - females have red thorax (middle)
Mediterranean acrobat ant
Crematogastor scutellaris - red head and pointed abdomen
Common dainty
Baccha elongata
pied shield bug
tritomegas bicolor
Rockrose prickly leaf beetle
Dicladispa testacea
Chalkhill blue (ant)
Myrmica sabuleti
Common pill woodlouse
Armadillidium vulgare
Ethiop Carpenter ant
Componotus aethiops
An ant
Aphaenogaster subterranea
Blue-tailed damelsfly
Ischnura elegans
Genus tubifex
Southern heath fritillary
Melitaea celadussa
Cricket bat orbweaver
Mangora acalypha
Western honeybee
Apis mellifera
Great green bushcricket
Tettigonia viridissima
Cream-spot tiger
Arctia villica
Violet carpenter bee
Xylocopa violacea
Drasterius bimaculatus
Drasterius bimaculatus
European hornet
Vespa crabro
Small white
Pieris rapae