Inventory additional provisions-Seeds Flashcards
What are u proposing?
How U will capture the remarks?–Which sheet?
Additional 5.85 crs+2.5 Crs based on original Mfg date+20 Lacs as per new policy
why these are not identified earlier?
Because—> We did not have proper logic and we were wotking only on selected hybrids for which initially negative remarks wre provided by business team
One word—Inv aging Logic was not avaialble//
In fact Initially finance was not even aware of that logic and it started with aatish—-how come so much inventory is of recent//Then we inquired a
so initially Vebnkatesha dn jitender could work upon those hybrids only
After lot of follow ups and persistence—-we got the full batch wise aging for gull Inventory—-Venkatesh devoted 2-3 days on this and got it.
why for 812—no negative remarks was provided by buisness team?
What is the aging for 812-Paddy?
As per SAP–Present age is showing most of the stock < 180 days
where as as per date of Mfg—2021 Material is there.–means at least 1 to 2 Years.—Kharif and Rabi 21.
812 is looking like mainly of up to 2 Years only
> 3 Years
What is the broad aging for another new hybrids?
MC 5448–Up to 2 years
Now—-Remarks are taken from Whom?
Respective crop leads–looks like