Intuition from lectures / tutorials Flashcards
How is implicit incentives defined in the lecture on career concerns?
Informal agreements that are self-enforcing within a repeated interaction because parties want to influence future outcomes in a favourable way.
What is the key idea behind career concerns?
People are motivated to exert effort because good performance today may result in better employment opportunities in the future. Future employers try to deduce information on agent’s ability from his past performance. The higher the agent’s expected ability, the higher will be future wage offers.
What is “signal jamming”?
Because performance is also increasing in effort, the agent exerts effort to appear more able than he actually is.
How does effort impact wages?
An effort increase leads to higher expected future income. The larger t (the later in career), the smaller will be the impact of an effort increase. Thus, an agent’s optimal effort choice is decreasing in t.
When are effort incentives high?
Effort incentives are high when A can strongly influence the market’s beliefs about his talent by increasing effort (signal jamming). In every period, the market obtains an additional signal on talent, resulting in more precise beliefs on talent that are harder for A to influence.
A probably chooses inefficiently high effort at the beginning and inefficiently low effort towards the end of his career.
In equilibrium, the labor market perfectly anticipates A’s effort choice. Why does A nevertheless choose high effort levels when starting his career?
In its most basic version, the career concerns argument goes as follows. An agent (e.g., a manager) can take an action (exert costly effort) to improve the signal (output) that principals (potential employers) receive about her productive abilities. Even though all parties are symmetrically informed, the agent has an incentive to interfere with the principals’ updating by exerting effort to make the signal revealed to them look more favorable, i.e., engage in signal jamming. In equilibrium, principals take this into account and the agent’s signal is discounted accordingly. As a consequence, the agent is trapped into providing the effort to meet principals’ tougher standards and not to look worse than she actually is.
What is optimal effort in second period when there is no noise term in the output? (Output = talent + effort)
When there is no noise term in output, it consists of ability plus the agent’s effort. Since the firms anticipate the agent’s effort perfectly in equilibrium and adjust their beliefs over ability accordingly, it follows that after observing output once, they perfectly know the agent’s ability. Thus, optimal effort = 0 and optimal wage = talent.
What role does delta play in career concerns issues?
Delta captures the agent’s time preferences, and thus, a higher delta means that the agent values the future higher. Agents undertake effort today to improve tomorrow’s wage, and if they care more about the future (higher delta), they are more willing to endure effort costs today to increase future wages.
What are the two different forms of human capital discussed in the lecture on human capital?
General human capital: an investment in general human capital raises the worker’s productivity at the firm he currently works for and at some other firms as well (by an identical amount).
Firm-specific human capital: an investment in firm-specific human capital makes a worker more productive at the firm he currently works for, but has no effect on his productivity elsewhere. Examples: sales representative who collects information about individual clients, knowledge of a product sold only by the current employer.
Can you explain Gary Becker’s suggested solution for how to share the costs and benefits of training between employee and employer?
Picture the graph in the slides. At the beginning, both parties share the costs: worker accepts a wage below the market wage, and the firm pays the worker more than his productivity. At some point, the value inside the firm exceeds the value outside the firm due to acquisition of firm-specific HC. Then, the worker receives a wage that is above his market average but below his productivity inside the firm.
What is a compressed wage structure?
Wage increases in training but less steeply than productivity. (Effekten av trening på produktivitet er større enn effekten av trening på lønn)
What type of labor market imperfections can lead to wage compression?
(1) Asymmetric information on talent / ability
(2) Firm-specific human capital
(3) Moral hazard
(4) Minimum wages
If a worker’s production function is f(t , n) where t = training and n = talent, what wage does the general labor market offer?
V(t) - the worker’s reservation wage, because the labor market only observes training. The current employer, however, observes both talent and training at the end of the first period and offers w(t , n).
How do you calculate a worker’s equilibrium reservation value v(t)?
Training * (probability of talented worker quitting / probability of any worker quitting)
Will employer invest in general human capital if talent and training are substitutes (f(t,n)=t+n)?
No, because then, training is equally effective for both types of workers - outside wage offers increase at the same rate as inside-firm productivity in training intensity. No wage compression.