Intros & basics Flashcards
Ko wai to ingoa?
What is your name?
Ko Lizzie tōku ingoa
Lizzie is my name
Ko wai tō whānau?
Who is your fam?
Ko Dunn tōku whānau
Dunn is my fam
Haere rā
Goodbye to a person leaving
E noho rā
Goodbye to a person staying
Hei konei rā
Goodbye said by either
Hei konā rā
Goodbye on the phone
Mā te wā
See you later (at some point in the future)
Ka kite anō i a koe/kōrua/koutou
See you 1/2/3 again
Nō hea koe?
Where are you from?
Nō Te Kaha ahau
I’m from Te Kaha
Nō hea a Mere?
Where’s Mere from?
Nō Waikato a Mere
Mere is from Waikato
When do you use ‘a’ before a person’s name?
When you’re talking about them e.g. Nō hea a Mere?
Kei hea tō kāinga?
Where is your home?
He aha tō nama waea pūkoro?
What is your mobile number?
Kotahi rau, e whitu tekau mā toru
Kotahi mano, kotahi rau, e ono tekau
E rua rau, e iwa tekau mā whā
Kei te pēhea koe?
How are you?
Kei te pai ahau!
I’m good!
Ko wai tō teina?
Who is your younger sibling of same sex?
Ko Jess tōku teina
Jess is my younger sis
Ko wai ō mātua?
Who are your olds?
Ko Shelley rāua ko Martin ōku mātua
Shelley & Martin are my parents
Ko wai ō hoa?
Ko Iskra rātou ko Soph, ko Chels ōku hoa
Kāore au i te mōhio
I don’t know
Kāore ōku tēina
I don’t have any younger sisters
Kua mate tāku ia
He or she is dead
I te taha o tōku pāpa
On my dad’s side