Introductory Lectures Flashcards
What are the mechanisms of Cell- cell communication?
Local Communication/short range
o Juxtacrine (membrane bound signal molecule
o Gap junctions- direct flow to neighbour
Through extracellular fluid
o Paracrine – local mediator
o Autocrine- receptor on the same cell
- Across synaptic clefts – very fast through post synaptic receptors
Long Range- Through circulatory system
- Neuroendocrine – neuron to a cell
- Endocrine- endocrine cell to a cell
What can neurotransmitters be made from? what are examples of these?
Amino acid derivatives
o Most of the water soluble hormones
o Thyroid hormones – lipid soluble
Peptide hormones
o Polypeptide and small proteins eg Insulin, growth hormones
o Glycoproteins eg TSH, EPO
Lipid derivatives
o Steroid hormones (from cholesterol) eg sex hormones
Eicosanoids (from
Lipid soluble hormones
Explain the following: Binding: Location of receptors: Synthesis: Storage: Release: Travel: Action: Examples:
Bind :
Most bind to intracellular receptors, however some will bind to surface receptors (eicosanoids)
Location of receptors:
Either in the cytosol or the nucleus
Synthesis :
Denovo in response to a stimulus
No intracellular storage- therefore and increase in secretion = an increase synthesis
Slow diffusion across the plasma membrane- no specific mechanism
Hydrophobic- reversibly attached to carrier proteins- tiny amount free in the blood
- Most bound to hormone specific carrier proteins
- Some bound to plasma albumin- non specific transporter
- Carrier proteins delay metabolism and protect against enzymatic degradation
- Free hormone enters by diffusion (passive or facilitated), binds to intracellular receptors
- Nuclear hormone receptor complex affects gene transcription
- Changes occur in synthesis of specific proteins
Eg : thyroid and steroid hormones
End result = slow, long term physiological changes
Water Soluble Hormones: Explain the following: Binding: Location of receptors: Synthesis: Storage: Release: Travel: Action: Examples:
Synthesis :
Pre made and packaged into vesicles
- from amino acids via enzymatic reaction ie classical NT ( Glutamate into GABA)
- Peptide/small protein hormones- as pre-pro-hormone or prohormone . mature hormone is released from precursor by proteolytic cleavage
IN the cytoplasm until released
Hydrophilic so once they are released they travel freely in the blood
Release : exocytosis in response to a stimulus
Bind :
Cell surface receptors
- Cannot penetrate cell membrane
- Triggers activation of intracellular signaling cascade
- Cell response- activation of inactive, preexisting, pre made proteins ensures quick response to hormonal action
- All peptide hormones – ie insulin
All amino acid derived hormones except Thyroid (this is lipid soluble)
What is phosphorylation and what carries this out?
Protein Kinase
- Enzyme that transfers phosphate group
- Most often phosphorylation leads to protein substrate ACTIVATION
Protein Phosphatase
- Enzymes that removes the phosphate
- Results in release of Pi
- INACTIVATES proteins
What does phosphorylation do?
- When activated kinases/phosphatases will bind to their substrate
- Phosphorylation can promote:
o Enzyme activation or inactivation (but mostly activation)
o Increase or decrease protein-protein interactions
o Changes in protein sub cellular localisation
Explain the Phosphorylation cascade
Typical phosphorylation cascade
Starts with unstimulated cell
- Typically intracellular proteins are inactive
Upon cell stimulation
- Receptor becomes activated by binding of signaling molecule
- Receptor activation leads to kinase activation through phosphorylation or activation by second messenger
- (typically protein phosphatases are inactivated)
- signaling cascade leads to substrate activation (through pohphorylation)
Termination of signaling
- typically phosphatases
Sequential cascade of activation transmits original signal
Most often activation
What are the types of Cell surface receptors
what is the genomic and non genomic response?
1) GPCR- adrenaline
2) Enzyme linked receptors- insulin
3) Ion channel-linked receptors
Specificity of hormonal action determined by specificity of extracellular receptor
The extracellular receptor will determine the specificity of intracellular signal generates.
Signalling cascade effects- (both occur)
- Slow
Long term effects occur slowly by activating cascade that regulate gene transcriptlion and protein synthesis “genomic response”
- Fast
Results in fast effects and rapid changes in cell behaviour “non genomic response”
How does a GPCR work?
GPCR- Largest family of surface receptors
- interacts with the G-Protein
- Ligand binding activates a G Protein which then activates an enzyme
- This generates a specific second messenger or modulates an ion channel
Allows for signal amplification
How does an ion channel receptor work?
- Ligand binding changes the conformation of the receptor so that specific ions can flow through it
- The resulting ion movements alter the electric potential across the cell membrane
- Eg ACH receptor at the nerve- muscle junction
What are second messengers?
- Short lived intracellular signaling molecules
- An elevated concentration leads to a rapid change in the activity in cellular enzymes
- Removal of a second messenger can end the cellular response
- Examples include:
o Calcium
o Membrane derived lipids- Inositol
o Gas- NO
What are enzyme linked receptors?
Two types
- Receptors with intrinsic enzymatic activity
o Intrinsic catalytic activity in cytosolic domain activated by binding of a ligan
o Majority are receptor protein kinases eg Insulin
- Tyrosine kinase linked receptors
o Ligand binding causes receptor activation, triggering the binding and activation of cytosol protein tyrosine kinases
This turns phosphorylates
How is Hormonal signalling terminated?
Ligand removal
o Rapidly fall of the receptor, removed from the circulation or degraded
Receptor level
o Inactivation – by dephosphorylation, binding of inhibitory protein
o Internalization – endocytosis and lysosomal digestion
o Desensitization- receptor no longer responds to the signal (insulin resistance)
Relay molecules, enzymes and substrates
o Inactivation: often by dephosphorylation by protein phosphatases
o Degradation: second messenger cAMP is degraded by phosphodiesterase
o Removal: second messenger calcium is pumped out of the cell
Persistent activation is bad. Need to inactivate for homeostasis
What are the main types of Neurotransmitters?
Which ones are considered the “classic” neurotransmitters?
Amino acids - GABA - Glutamate - Glycine Amines - Acetylcholine - Dopamine and Serotonin - Adrenaline and noradrenaline - Histamines Peptides: - CCk, ENk, Substance P Classic Neurotransmitters are the small ones
How is the effect of hormones regulated?
Response to hormones depends on amount of hormone as well as cell sensitivity. This is regulated :
Levels of hormones
o Rate of hormone synthesis/secretion
o Rate of hormone delivery to target
o Rate of clearance of hormone (excretion, degradation)
o Negative or positive feedback loops that result in increase or decrease hormone production and release
Cellular sensitivity to hormones:
Increase in number and/or sensitivity of receptors to hormone ligand
How are Neurotransmitters synthesized?
Small molecules: Amino acids and Amines
- Synthesized from precursors by enzymatic reaction
- Packaged into small synaptic vescicles
- All steps for synthesis occur in the presynaptic nerve terminal
Neuropeptide hormones
- Made from large precursors
- synthesized in the cell body ( Rough ER)
- Packaged into large secretory granules (packaged by Golgi apparatus)
- Transported to terminal
Are slower to release than the amino acid and amine transporters
How are Neurotransmitters released?
Neurotransmitter release and mode of action
Nerve stimulation
- Action potential
- Opens up voltage gated calcium channels
- Promotes vesciles migrating to membrane
- Exocytosis of vescicle
- Neurotransmitter in synaptic cleft acts on the specific postsynaptic receptors
- Diffuses away
o Inactivated by enzymatic degradation
o Reuptake of NT – repackaged and reused
o Peptide NT are always degraded- no reuptake
QUICK- metabolism and removal ends the