Introductory Concept Flashcards
Mean Free Path
The average distance a molecule travels before it collides with another molecule.
Fluid is continuously distributed along the region of interest.
Fluid Particle
A relatively small mass of the fluid, containing a large number of molecules that will provide a meaningful statical average.
Force acting per unit area.
Shear stress and Normal Stress
Shear stress, is stress component acting tangential to area.
Normal stress is stress component acting normal to area.
Fixed in the flow field and you observe the variation of properties at the point (spatial description).
Identified fluid particles are followed in the course of time.
mass per unit volume
Incompressible Fluid
Density = constant, Mach < 0.3
Compressible Fluid
Density is not constant, and has a time variable. Mach >= 0.3
Viscous Flow
if the viscosity (frictional effect) is important
Inviscid Flow
If viscosity (frictional friction) is NOT important.
Steady Flow
V, P, T constant in time.
Unsteady Flow
V = V(t), P = P(t), T= T(t),
func(x,y,z,t) :has a function of time.
A trajectory traced out by a fluid particle moving in a flow field (Lagranian).