Introductions Flashcards
Comment allez-vouz?
How are you doing?
Je vais tres bien, merci
I am very good, thanks
Je m’appelle…
My name is…
Comment ca va?
How are you? - friendly
Ca va?
How’s it going? - friendly
Ca va bien, merci
It’s going well, thanks
How are you doing?
Comment allez-vouz?
I am very good, thanks
Ja vais tres bien, merci
My name is…
Je m’appelle…
How are you? - friendly
Comment ca va?
How’s it going? - friendly
Ca va?
It’s going well, thanks. - friendly
Ca va bien, merci
comment tu t’appelles?
What is your name?
What is your name?
comment tu t’appelles?
il/elle s’appelle
his/her name is
his/her name is
il/elle s’appelle
comment vas-tu?
How are you?
How are you?
comment vas-tu?
vous parles angalais?
do you guys speak english? - formal
Quel est votre nom ?
What is your name - formal
tu habites a…
Do you live in…
Do you live in…
tu habites a…
J’habite a …, et toi?
I live in …, and you?
I live in …, and you?
J’habite a …, et toi?