Introductions Flashcards
Define CNS
Central Nervous System
Composed of brain, brainstem and spinal cord
Define PNS
Peripheral Nervous System - nerves and ganglia
Divided into ANS (which has sympathetic and parasympathetic branches) and somatic NS (which has motor and sensory divisions)
Define ANS
Autonomic Nervous system
Divided into:
Parasympathetic ‘rest and digest’
Sympathetic ‘fight or flight’
What composes the CNS?
The ANS is also called
Involuntary NS
visceral PNS
Vegetative NS
What can the PNS do that the CNS doesn’t?
- inhibitory molecules in CNS but not PNS (myelin differences)
- absence of guidance cues that stimulate axon growth
- some loss of intrinsic axon growth capability by neurons
Define afferent and efferent axons
Afferent - towards the CNS
Efferent - away from the CNS
Where are neuronal cell bodies located?
Grey matter
In the white matter –> ascending and descending axons to and from the brain
Describe the anatomical arrangement of the brain (basic)
The brain is made of: The cerebrum (cerebral cortex) = separated into 2 hemispheres (cerebral hemispheres – left and right) by the central sulcus or fissure. It is responsible for the integration of complex sensory and neural functions and the initiation and coordination of voluntary activity in the body. Generally, each hemisphere receives sensory information from the CONTRALATERAL side (opposite side) of the body and controls movement on the contralateral side as well.
What is the cerebellum? What does it do?
“little brain” “hind brain”
Controls coordination of movement
Describe the brainstem
most primitive part of the brain consisting of the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain, and continuing downwards to form the spinal cord. It contains densely packed fibres. Regulates VITAL functions (involuntary) (breathing, swallowing, heart rate, blood pressure, consciousness etc)
What is a fasicle? What is called the connective tissue sheath which surrounds it? What are the others?
A fascicle is a bundle of nerve fibres (both afferent and efferent)
They are surrounded by perineurium
The whole nerve is a tough epineurium capsule
Individual axons are wrapped with myelin and endoneurium (though some are unmyelinated)
The dorsal root contains which types of neurons?
Ventral root has motor
Where is Parkinson’s disease degeneration located?
In the basal ganglia, more precisely substantia negra