Introductions Flashcards
Basic greetings, introductory questions,
Good day (formal)
Najlepsa hvala
Thank you very much
Na zdravje
Lep dan zelim
I wish you a good day
Srecno pot
Safe travels
Bodi bolje
get well soon
Iskreno sozalje
Sincere condolences
Kako vam je ime?
What is your name (formal)
Kako ti je ime?
What is your name (informal)
Jaz sem Alex
I am Alex
Ime mi je Alex
My name is Alex
Od kot ste?
Where are you from? (formal)
Od kot si
Where are you from? (informal)
Jaz sem Amerike
I am American
Prihajam iz Amerike
I come from America
Koliko ste stari?
How old are you? (formal)
Koliko si star(a)?
How old are you? (informal)
Star sem stiriintrideset let
I am 34 years old
Kaj ste po poklicu?
What is your profession? (formal)
Kaj si po pokliu?
What is your profession? (informal)
Po poklicu sem HR
My profession is HR
Delam kot HR
I work as a HR
Direktor, Direktorica
Faracevt, farmacevtka
Frizer, Frizerska
Hair dresser
Gasilec, Gasilca
Fire Fighter
Igralec, Igralka
Actor, Actress
Inzenir, Inzenirka
Kako se pisete?
What is your surname?
Kdaj ste rojeni?
Where were you born?
Kdaj imate rojstni dan?
When is your birthday?
Kje zivite/stanujete?
Where do you live?
Kaj Delate
Where do you work?
Koliko casa ste bili v Slovenije?
How long have you been in Slovenia?
Kaj delate v prostem casu?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Katere jezik govorite?
Which languages do you speak?