Introduction - week 1 Flashcards
what is the definition of accounting?
Concerned with collecting, analysing and communicating financial information, with the ultimate aim for the users of the information to make more informed decisions.
What is meant by finance?
Concerned with the way in which funds for a business are raised and invested. ( A business exists to raise funds for investors (owners and lenders) and then to use those funds to make investments (in equipment, premises, inventories and so on) in order to create wealth.
Who are the main users of accounting / financial information of a business?
Owners - plan future Managers - control business lenders - is company solvent suppliers - will they be paid government - assess amount of tax due competitors customers employees and representatives - pay increase / employability security community and representatives
Why do we account information?
Formulate overall plans and strategies
Resource allocation
meeting external regulatory
reporting requirements
performance measurement and evalutation
Cost planning and control
What are the three core areas of accounting?
Financial accounting
Financial management
Management accounting
What is the definition of financial accounting?
recording and analysing the financial results of transactions as a means of arriving at a measure of the firms success and financial soundness
What are the characteristics of financial accounting?
Regulated and in standardised format
Historical orientation, backward looking
high degree of precision???? text book page 14 and powerpoint slide 15 say opposite.
not normally produced quickly
formal, legal communication to outsiders
externally verified by audit
infrequent (Half / annually)
What is the definition of management accounting?
The application of the principles of accounting and financial management to create, protect, preserve and increase value for the stakeholders of for - profit and not for profit enterprises in the public and private sectors
What are the characteristics of management accounting?
No prescribed format: Management decides - specific purpose no standard format
Intended for internal users ONLY and often commercially confidential; more details
contains estimates and approximates because information is needed quickly
often covers segmental details as well as whole organisation
much more regular; weekly, daily, real time. (As frequently as manager needs)
often provide information concerning future performance as well past performance.
Do a table like page 15 comparing financial and management accounting
What are the characteristics of a competitive environment?
Cost efficiency and customer satisfaction
Customer focus
Continuous improvement
Total value chain analysis
Key success factors
– increasing focus on non financial measures for measuring performance
watch two videos on slide 28
What is the definition of financial management
efficient and effective management of finances to achieve the objectives of the organisation
the primary financial goal is shareholder wealth maximisation
According to the ACCA 2010 Study, what areas of expertise for financial management are of most value?
Risk management control Financial analysis for decision making Ethics and professionalism Taxation Investor relations statutory and regulatory reporting corporate social responsibility issues
Slide 34