Introduction to WW Collection & Treatment Flashcards
- Collection system = sanitary sewer system = piping + pump stations + manholes that transport wastewater from sources (industries, homes, and businesses) to a wastewater treatment plant.
- Sewerage = collection + treatment facilities
- Sewage = spent water or wastewater
- Sewers = part of the collection system
Pumping or Lift Station
- Pumping or Lift Station to lift the water to a higher elevation where gravity can take care of it
- Lift Stations can be used to lift sewage into treatment plant.
- After pumping, the plant is designed to operate under gravity flow to the point of discharge at the receiving stream.
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
Which type of pump can be used to lift sewage into treatment plant?
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
A Screw Pump, or Archimedes Pump, can be used to lift sewage into treatment plant.
Where? In lift station, small plants
What? To move WW (i.e. solids, which can’t get stuck)
What are the types of preliminary treatment?
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
1) Screening – the removal of objectionable items that may be troublesome in future treatment.
2) Grit Removal
3) Primary Clarifier
4) Equalization – the balancing of flow over time, resulting in consistency in quantity and quality.
5) pH adjustment – the chemical balancing of hydrogen ions to neutralize the wastewater for future treatment
1) SCREENING - Why is Screening useful?
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
Screening reduces overall solids loading by reducing:
- Floatable solids
- Dissolved solids
- Settleable solids
Reducing solids reduces :
- Power requirements
- Equipment maintenance
- Pump, Pipes, Mixers, and Diffusers can clog
- Chemical enhancers
- Organic loading to biological treatment
1) SCREENING - What are the types of screens in preliminary treatment?
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
1) Course Screens
- Bar screen mechanical
- Bar screen manual
2) Static Screen
3) Rotating Screen
- with external feed
- with internal feed
4) Disc filters
1) SCREENING - What are the characteristics of a mechanical bar screen?
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
- Fixed vertical bars of steel mounted in an open channel
- Debris trapped by the submerged bars restrict the flow raising the liquid level upstream of the screen.
- Level sensing device triggers mechanical rake, which drops down and rakes in an upward motion cleaning the screen.
- Screenings are dropped into a container or receiving conveyor.
- Most screens are equipped with torque overload switches that will stop the unit before serious damage is caused.
1) SCREENING - What are the characteristics of a manual bar screen?
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
Bar Screen: Manual
- Fixed vertical bars of steel mounted in an open channel
- Debris trapped by the submerged bars restrict the flow raising the liquid level upstream of the screen.
- No Level sensing device – operator must manual rake clean the screen.
- Screenings are rake up onto the floor where they dewater via a floor drain.
1) SCREENING - What are the characteristics of a static screen?
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
Static Screen:
- No moving parts
- Low capital costs
- Pre-treat fibrous and non-grease bearing wastes
- Features stainless steel screen panel in a flat or curved form set into cabinet.
1) SCREENING - What are the characteristics of a rotating screen?
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
- Slow rotating, horizontally mounted cylinder wrapped in a synthetic cloth.
- Wastewater is delivered via headbox. Solids larger than the clear openings in the cylinder are retained on the outside surface. As the drum rotates, these solids are carried out of the water up toward the other side of the drum where they are scraped off by a “doctor blade”.
- EXTERNAL FEED filters have wastewater applied to the outside of the filter with solids adhering to the outside while the filtered water passes through the drum.
- INTERNAL FEED filters have wastewater fed from inside the drum. Wastewater cascades by gravity and falls slowly onto the bottom of the cylinder. Solids are captured on the inside of the drum and are carried toward the discharge end
1) SCREENING - What are the characteristics of a disc filter?
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
- Mesh (=maille) covered discs which rotate on a common shaft.
- Wastewater is introduced between the discs & rises to cover about 1/3 of the discs diameter.
Solids form a pre-coat of solids on the discs, which help filter out solid while the liquid drains through the disc. - Water sprays, mounted above the water level, are used to wash trapped solids of the mesh screening.
1) SCREENING - What is BLINDING of screens?
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
- Blinding is when solids build up on the screen to a point where the openings on the screen are blocked and water can no longer pass through the screen.
- Screens should be checked at least once per shift for operation and solids separation.
What are comminutors or grinders?
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
Comminutors, or grinders, are shredding (with teeth) and screening devices widely used in wastewater treatment plants and pumping stations.
Comminutors break down wastewater solids in plant headworks and pump stations.
Some plants do not have screenings, only comminutors that would only shred and send pieces downstream (risk of clogging pumps).
Some recent comminutors can run backward to unblock stuff.
2) GRIT - What is the purpose of grit chambers?
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
Purpose: to remove inorganic material referred to as grit. Grit includes sand, eggshells, bone chips, coffee grounds, etc.
Grit chambers slowing down velocity, settling solids, MAX 1 FEET PER SECOND to let grease and sand settle down. Not treated yet, still raw water, which means bad odors
Grit is removed to prevent abrasion of pumps and to reduce deposits in pipe lines, channels, and digesters.
2) GRIT - What are the 2 types of Grit Chambers?
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
1) Square Clarifier (detritus tank): designed so that the horizontal velocity is 1.0 feet per second (fps) at maximum flow. Chain and Flight grit collector at the bottom of the tank.
2) Aerated Tanks: It has became common practice to use aerated grit chambers.
Aeration also provides pretreatment of the waste by removing odors and inducing flocculation of the organic material making primary clarification more effective.
3) PRIMARY CLARIFIER - What is the purpose of primary clarifier?
Preliminary & Primary Treatment (Chap 3 & 4)
Purpose: to remove settleable organics and floating scum (grease and oils).
Primary clarifiers are either circular or rectangular. They are very similar to sedimentation basins used in water treatment.
Td (Detention Time): 90 – 150 min at average flow (Avg 2 hr)
4) FLOW EQUALIZATION - What is flow equalization and what are its advantages?
Industrial wastewaters vary greatly in QUANTITY (flow) and QUALITY, which affect downstream treatment processes.
Therefore, flow equalization by diverting the flow above average in tanks or blending all incoming flows in a holding tank.
Benefits: operating process at constant flow / loadings, reducing shock loads, and equalization of chemicals (less pH variability)
5) pH Adjustment
- Neutralization is important part of corrosion control.
The lower the pH, the greater rate of corrosion. - Solubility of heavy metals are effected by pH. Most metals are soluble at low pH and precipitate when pH is increased.
- Buffering Capacity The amount of acid or alkaline needed to change the pH.
5) pH Adjustment - What are pH ranges set by regulatory statute (= “Quality Criteria for Water”)?
pH ranges set by regulatory statute; “Quality Criteria for Water”:
Domestic water pH 5.0 to 9.0
Freshwater Aquatic pH 6.5 to 9.0
Marine Aquatic pH 6.5 to 9.5
5) pH Adjustment - Which chemicals are used to lower pH?
Higher pH levels can be lowered with acidic compounds, such as:
- Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) – cheapest and most readily available. Dark, oily
- Hydrochloric acid (HCl), also know as muriatic acid. Fumes
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
5) pH Adjustment - Which chemicals are used to increase pH?
Lower pH levels can be raised with alkaline compounds, such as:
- Calcium oxide (CaO), also known as lime
- Slaking – mixing lime and water
- Hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2)
- Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), (25% or 50%)
- Ammonia (NH3)
- Magnesium oxide (MgO)
- Magnesium Hydroxide (Mg(OH)2)
- Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3), also known as soda ash)
5) pH Adjustment - What type of pump most typically is used to pump chemicals?
= Diaphragm pump
5) pH Adjustment - What is the use of a titration curve and what does it involve?
Titration Curves:
- Used to measure changes in pH.
- Involves drop by drop addition of one solution (reagent / titrant) into another solution (wastewater) until an endpoint is reached.
5) pH Adjustment - What are the buffers to calibrate pH?
3 pH buffers (=solution en bouteille): 4, 7, and 10
to clean and calibrate pH sensors (=electrodes)
5) pH Adjustment - What is the unit of pH?
pH is measured in SU (Standards Units)
5) pH Adjustment - What is the optimum pH range for effluent = receiving stream?
There is optimum pH range for any given wastewater.
- Effluent (receiving stream) typically needs to be pH 6-9
5) pH Adjustment - What is ceriodaphnia?
Ceriodaphnia = Test with trouts, if they are ok and reproduce
5) pH Adjustment - What is ORP?
Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) –
- ORP is the electrical potential to transfer electrons from one compound or element to another.
- ORP is a measurement that indicates the degree to which a substance is capable of oxidizing or reducing another substance.
- The higher the reading, the more oxidizing the substance is.
- Measured in millivolts (mv). Scale is +/- 1400 millivolt
What is the main objective of preliminary treatment?
Removal of waste water constituents (rags, sticks, floatable grits, and grease) to reduce maintenance or operational problems.
Removal of a portion of the suspended solids and organic matter from the WW
What are the units / components of Preliminary Treatment process?
1) - Screening = for removal of floating matter
- Grit Chamber = for removal of sand and grits
- Comminutors = grinder for grinding large suspended solids
- Primary Clarifier (can be considered as primary treatment, not preliminary)
2) Sedimentation (primary settling tank)
Coagulation (secondary setting tank)
What is Advanced Primary Treatment?
Enhanced removal of suspended solids and organic matter from the WW. Typically accomplished by chemical addition or filtration known as coagulation and flocculation.
What is the main objective of Secondary Treatment?
Removal of biodegradable organic matter (insoluble or suspension state) and suspended solids. Disinfection is also typically included in the definition of conventional secondary treatment.
There can be secondary treatment with nutrient removal
What are the units / components of Secondary Treatment process?
- Activated sludge process
- Oxidation ponds and lagoons
- Trickling filter
What is the main objective of Tertiary Treatment?
Removal of residual suspended solids (after secondary treatment) usually by granular medium filtration or micro screens.
What are the units / components of Tertiary Treatment process?
Membrane filtration and separation Dechlorination and disinfection systems Reverse Osmosis systems Ion exchange Activated carbon adsorption Physical / Chemical treatment
What are the functions of the different water treatment units? Screening Sedimentation Coagulation Chemical methods Filtration Disinfection Softening Aeration, chemicals use
Screening: floating matter
Sedimentation: suspended matter
Coagulation: suspended matter, as part of colloidal matter and bacteria
Chemical methods: Iron, Manganese, etc.
Filtration: remaining colloidal dissolved matter, bacteria
Disinfection: pathogenic bacteria, organic matter and reducing substances
Softening: hardness
Aeration, chemicals use: color, odor, taste
What is the main process of primary treatment?
SEDIMENTATION is primary treatment process. It is a PHYSICAL water treatment process used to settle out suspended solids in water under the influence of gravity.
What is the removal efficiency of primary treatment process?
30% for BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand)
60% for TSS (Total Suspended Solids)
What is the main process of secondary treatment?
BIOLOGICAL w/ activated sludge process. WW containing organic matter is aerated in an aeration basin in which micro-organisms metabolize the suspended and soluble organic matter
What are some examples of suspended film system vs fixed film system?
Suspended film system:
- activated sludge system
- lagoon system
- oxidation ditch
Fixed film system:
- Trickling filter
- RBC - Rotating Biological Contactor
What is the process for suspended film system vs fixed film system?
Suspended film system: stir and suspend microorganisms in WW, which absorb organic matter & nutrients from WW. Then, settle as sludge
Fixed film system: microorganisms are cultured on substrates such as rocks, sand or plastic. WW is spread over the substrate. Nutrients and organic matter are absorbed by micro-organisms as they grow in size.
What is a lagoon system?
In-ground earthen basin on which the WW is detained for a specific time and then discharged. Take advantage of natural aeration and microorganisms in the WW to remove sewage.
What is an oxidation ditch?
Modified form of “extended aeration” of activated sludge process. The ditch consist of a long continuous channel oval in shape with two surface rotors placed across the channel.
Oxidation ditch –> Clarifier –> Effluent
What does activated sludge refer to?
Activated Sludge:
Refers to a Biological treatment system
Require Aeration tank, Aeration equipment, Settling tanks, Return/Waste sludge support equipment.
Wastewater is fed continuously
Microbes, “Bugs”, STABILIZE waste
Microorganisms are referred to as activated sludge
Microbes are separated out from the MIXED LIQUOR after settling in Secondary Clarifier and are returned back the aeration tank while the SUPERNATANT is sent on to further treatment.
Food is organic waste (BOD)
What is the definition of activated sludge?
ACTIVATED SLUDGE: floc or solid formed by microbes
What is the definition of FOOD to MICROORGANISMS RATIO (F:M)?
FOOD to MICROORGANISMS RATIO (F:M): control measure used to evaluate the amount of food available per pound of mixed liquor suspended solids (microbes)
What is the definition of MIXED LIQUOR?
MIXED LIQUOR: combination of return activated sludge and wastewater (primary effluent) that flows into the aeration tank.
What is the definition of MEAN CELL RESIDENCE TIME (MCRT)?
MEAN CELL RESIDENCE TIME (MCRT): average length of time a mixed liquor suspended solid particle remains in the activated process
What is the definition of MIXED LIQUOR SUSPENDED SOLIDS (MLSS)?
MIXED LIQUOR SUSPENDED SOLIDS (MLSS): the suspended solids concentration in the mixed liquor. Common qualitative reference to the amount of microbes in the activated sludge process.
What is the settleometer test?
Settleability is how quickly the sludge will settle at the bottom of the secondary clarifier. The test is performed in a cylindrical apparatus called a settleometer (cylindrical beaker).
MIXED LIQUOR VOLATILE SUSPENDED SOLIDS (MLVSS): the organic concentration within the mixed liquor suspended solids.
What is the definition of RETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGE (RAS)?
RETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGE (RAS): the solids returned from the secondary clarifier to the head of the aeration tank.
What is the definition of SETTLEABILITY?
SETTLEABILITY: process control test used to evaluate the settling characteristics of the sludge.
What is the definition of SLUDGE AGE?
SLUDGE AGE: process control measure that measures the length of time a particle of suspended solids has been undergoing aeration in the activated sludge process.
What is the definition of SLUDGE VOLUME INDEX (SVI)?
SLUDGE VOLUME INDEX (SVI): process control test that evaluates the age/settling ability of the sludge. Requires Settled Sludge result and MLSS result.
What is the definition of WASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGE (WAS)?
WASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGE (WAS): refers to the solids (microbes) being removed from the activated sludge process.
What is the process with activated sludge in the aeration basin and clarifier-settler?
- Wastewater is mixed with return activated sludge (RAS). This mixture is known as Mixed Liquor.
- The mixed liquor is aerated for a specified period of time (6-8 hours). The microbes feed on the available organic matter (primary feeders = bacteria; secondary feeders = protozoa)
- The process produces stable solids and more microbes. The quantity of solids in the system increases (activated sludge).
- Activated sludge is separated from the wastewater by clarification (in the clarifier-settler)
- Settled activated sludge are then returned to the head of the aeration tank.
- Excessive solids are removed from the system (WAS)
What are the factors affecting activated sludge?
- Temperature:
Increase in temp. results in increase in biological activity and decrease in oxygen content.
Decrease in temperature results in decrease in biological activity and increase in oxygen content.
Bugs are more active in Summer, and hence there is more WAS - Return Activated Sludge (RAS) Rates:
Affects F:M ratios
Controls microbe population - Nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus)
*Ratio of BOD:N:P is 100:5:1 - Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.)
Oxygen is one factor that controls the types of microbes that are dominate in the system.
Too little system goes septic (< 1.0 mg/L)
Too much shear biomass (pin floc) and waste energy - Organic Loading (O.L.):
Affects F:M ratios
Measures the amount of food available for microbes
Too much food overloads treatment system results in poor treatment
Too little microbes will go dormant and/or die off - pH:
pH variability affects microbes
Optimal range is 6.5 – 8.5
Acceptable at 6.0 – 9.0
Outside this range and the microbes will be affected
An issue with industrial treatment systems
– Waste Activated Sludge Rates (WAS):
Controls F:M ratios
Controls microbe population
Helps rid system of unwanted microbes and material - Aeration:
Major supply of D.O.
Mixes microbes with food to allow suitable contact time for treatment - Wastewater Toxicity:
Affects microbes
What is the ratio of BOD:N:P? What does it stand for?
Ratio of BOD:N:P is 100:5:1
Which microbes are in the activated sludge ?
Amoebas – indicative of younger sludge Flagellates Free-Swimming Ciliates - indicative of a good settling Stalked Ciliates Rotifers Nematodes – indicative of older sludge
What are activated sludge controls?
Activated Sludge Controls are limited to the following:
- Aeration (Air Supplied)
- Return Activated Sludge Rate (RAS)
- Waste Activated Sludge Rate (WAS)
- F:M Ratio
Aeration systems:
What is the dual purpose of aeration in the activated sludge process?
Name some aeration systems.
Aeration serves a dual purpose in the Activated Sludge Process
- Supply of Dissolved Oxygen
- Mixing the Mixed Liquor
Aeration systems:
- Mechanical (turbine aerator)
- Diffused aeration system - most common. Air from blowers at the bottom of the tank
What is the purpose of RAS (Return Activated Sludge)?
Purpose is to return microbes back to aeration tank.
Makes it possible to keep microbes in the system longer.
In theory, RAS should be constant and approximately 20 – 40% of the incoming flow.
Changes in the flow of the RAS is dependent on the sludge characteristics.
What are the 2 types of RAS controls?
1) Constant RAS flow allows MLSS to be at a peak both during low and high flows. Simplistic and minimizes labor. Controlling RAS flow rates independent of the influent flow rate.
Pros: Simplicity, Maximum solids loading occurs at start of peak flow periods, Requires less operational time.
Cons: The F/M ratio is constantly changing.
2) Percentage of flow RAS Control is completed by automatic controls valves and is frequently changing. Controlling the RAS as a constant percentage of the influent flow
Pros: Reduced MLSS concentrations variations and F/M ratio variations,
Con: Clarifier is subjct to maximum hydraulic loading when the reactor contains the maximum amount of sludge
What can be used to determine the RAS?
Sludge Blanket Depth, Settleability and Sludge Volume Index can all be used to determine the RAS.
What is the purpose of WAS (Waste Activated Sludge)?
Waste Activated Sludge (WAS):
Purpose is to waste microbes to maintain a balance between microbes and incoming food.
If balance swings in favor of one or the other operational conditions can be unfavorable.
Balanced aeration tank leads to a “Steady State”.
Steady State is reached by controlling Sludge Age, MCRT, Volatile Solids, and MLSS concentration
Wasting is usually achieved by removing a portion of the RAS.
Wasting is usually 1% - 20% of the total flow.
What is Sludge Age?
Sludge Age:
- Measure of the length of time a particle of suspended solids has been undergoing aeration.
- Based upon the ratio of solids in aeration and the incoming solids
- As a control technique the operator waste just enough sludge to maintain a sludge age that produces the best effluent quality.
- Sludge age can range from 3 to 30 days.
- Usually less than 15 days
- Conventionally 3-10 days
- Extended aeration - 15 to 30 days
What is the F:M ratio?
F:M Ratio:
- Ratio of Food to Microbes (Food/Mass or F/M)
- Ensures that treatment is running efficiently
- Conventional Activated Sludge F/M is 0.2 - 0.5
- Extended Aeration and Oxidation Ditch F/M is 0.01 - 0.07
- If the ratio becomes distorted leads to operational problems.
- Four things to remember:
Food concentration is estimate with BOD / COD
The amount of food used in the calculation is vital.
Quantity of microbes in the system is approximated by MLSS.
Since two approximation are used, operator should not make daily changes based upon this calculation. Rolling 7 day average would be much more useful.
What is Mean Cell Resident Time (MCRT)?
Mean Cell Resident Time (MCRT):
- Expresses the average time that a microbe spends in the activated sludge process.
- Indicator used to determine the dominate organism.
- Directly influence NITRIFICATION
- Nitrification is the process of ammonia and nitrogen be converted to nitrate.
- Plant with an MCRT of 15-20 days usually will nitrify.
- Plant with an MCRT of 5-10 may not.
- MCRT is also temperature related. The higher the temperature the less MCRT is needed to nitrify.
What is Nitrification?
- Nitrification is the process of ammonia and nitrogen be converted to nitrate.
- Nitrificationis the biological oxidation of ammonia or ammonium to nitrite followed by the oxidation of the nitrite to nitrate – NH4 to NO2 to NO3
- Plant with an MCRT of 15-20 days usually will nitrify. - Plant with an MCRT of 5-10 may not.
- MCRT is also temperature related. The higher the temperature the less MCRT is needed to nitrify.
What is denitrification?
Denitrificationis a microbial facilitated process where nitrate is reduced and ultimately produces nitrogen gas (N2)
NO3 to N2
Can happen in clarifiers when detention time is too long
What are respiration rates used for? What do they mean?
- Laboratory test that gives insight to the health of the microbes and their activity.
- Values of:
<4 mg O2/hr/gm MLSS – indicates microbe population not stable and healthy, possible toxic load or low biological growth.
4 -9 mg O2/hr/gm MLSS – indicates microbes slow to stabilize organics, young microbes
10 - 20 mg O2/hr/gm MLSS – system is normal
> 20 mg O2/hr/gm MLSS – indicates rapidly biodegradable material, high organic loads - Best way to use RR values is to measure them daily, prepare trend chart, establish best range for your treatment facility.
Which are ranges of values for Sludge Volume Index?
Sludge Volume Index:
Indicator of how well sludge is settling.
< 100 – old sludge, turbidity of effluent due to pin floc
100 – 200 normal operation, good settling, low turbidity
> 250 – bulking sludge, poor settling, high turbidity.
Why must Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) Concentrations be maintained?
Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) concentrations:
- Must be maintained so that there is oxygen available for the microbes to stabilize organics
- Residual oxygen of >1.0 mg/L is good.
- If D.O. levels are too high or to low operation problems can occur.
Why control cyanides?
Are toxic to bacteria.
May cause serious upsets in Activated Sludge Process.
May cause hazardous gases in the sewer.
Extreme toxic gases can be formed when cyanides are introduced to an acidic waste stream.
What Toxic Waste Loads look like / cause?
Toxic Waste Loads
- Causes an increase in D.O. in aeration basin.
- An increase in D.O. without an increase in air flow is a potentially toxic event.
Clarifier effluent
- Floc carry-over will become visible.
- This is an indication of cell death.
Every effort should be made to obtain a sample of the wastewater for analysis
What High Organic Waste Loads (high BOD loading) look like / cause?
High Organic Waste Loads (high BOD loading)
- Causes decrease in D.O. in Aeration Basin.
- A decrease in D.O. without a decrease in air flow is a potentially high organic loading event.
Another indication of high organic waste loading can be observed in the clarifier.
- The effluent may become more turbid. - This would indicate that the waste was incompletely treated
Is Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) a recent treatment development?
Biological treatment process
SBR’s are not a recent development as commonly thought.
Between 1914 and 1920, several full-scale fill-and draw systems were in operation.
Interest in SBRs was revived in the late 1950s and early 1960s, with the development of new equipment and technology.
Improvements in aeration devices and controls have allowed SBRs to successfully compete with conventional activated sludge systems.
What are the 5 steps of a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) cycle?
Toutes les etapes du traitement dans le meme contenant / reactor –> everything happening in the same tank
For industrial and smaller plants (less than 9MGD)
5 steps (cycle time %):
1) FILL - add substrate - 25%
2) REACT - reaction (bugs + air) - 35%
3) SETTLE - clarity - 20%
4) DRAW - remove effluent - 15%
5) IDLE - waste sludge - 5%
Timers must be set up right. Otherwise, you would send / discharge sewer. Usually, operators will check at some time (not there 24/7).
What are some characteristics of a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) - flow, depth, etc.?
Flow: SBR reactor volume should be equivalent to 1.2 to 2.0 times the average daily flow.
Number or Reactors: Typically two or more
Reactor Depth: 10 to 20 feet working water depth
TWL or top water level plus 1.5 feet freeboard.
Number of Cycles per day: Normally 2 to 6 per day
What are the characteristics of a 60min mixed liquor settling test with a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)?
60 minute Mixed Liquor settling test.
- Take 1000 ml sample of aerated activated sludge
- Record results every 5 minutes for first 30 minutes.
- Record results every 10 minutes for remaining 30 minutes.
- Observe and record any other changes in settling sludge.
What are some advantages of Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)?
- Equalization, primary clarification , biological treatment, and secondary clarification can be achieved in a single reactor vessel.
- Operating flexibility and control.
- Minimal footprint.
- Potential capital cost savings by eliminating clarifiers and other equipment.
What are some disadvantages of Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)?
- A higher level of sophistication is required(compared to conventional systems), especially for larger systems, of timing units and controls.
- Higher level of maintenance associated with more sophisticated controls, automated switches, and automated valves.
- Potential of discharging floating or settled sludge during the DRAW or decant phase with some SBR configurations.
- Potential plugging of aeration devices during selected operating cycles, depending on the aeration system used by the manufacturer.
- Potential requirement for equalization after the SBR, depending on the downstream processes.
How long for the BOD test?
Biochemical Oxygen Demand - B.O.D.
The Quantity of Oxygen Used in the Biochemical Oxidation of Organic Material.
5 Day Test
*20 Degrees C
What are the ranges for key metrics (aerator detention time, F:M, CRT) for conventional activated sludge and extended aeration activated sludge?
Conventional Activated Sludge
Aerator Detention Time: 4 - 8 Hrs.
F:M : 0.25 - 0.45
CRT: 4 - 6 Days
Extended Aeration Activated Sludge
Aerator Detention Time: 16 - 24 Hrs.
F:M: 0.05 - 0.15
CRT: 15 - 25 Days
Some characteristics of Fixed Growth Systems
- Fixed growth instead of suspended growth (activated sludge is suspended)
- The purpose of all biological treatment processes is to remove dissolved organics and finely divided organic material. BOD removal
- Biological treatment (fixed or suspended) utilizes biomass to convert organic material into a more stable substance.
- Biomass is a clump of organic material consisting of:
- Living organisms feeding on wastewater
- Dead organisms
- Other debris
- Successful operation of biological treatment systems depends on good equipment for settling and thickening the biomass.
- Fixed Growth Systems the biomass (microorganisms) are attached to a stationary or moving media.
What are some advantages of Fixed Growth Systems ?
Advantages: Simplicity in operation Can treat all portions of soluble BOD Low energy requirements Less land requirements Easy to design and install Less affected by shock loads and settleability problems (more affected by hydraulic surges) Less maintenance Less production of solids
What are some disadvantages of Fixed Growth Systems ?
Hydraulic surges
Temperature sensitive
Dependent on other treatment steps (grit removal & screening)
Susceptible to “blind” or “interfere” with inefficient treatment.
Trickling filters (with distributor arm, media, underdrain). What is the main process?
A fixed growth “filter” that contains media which is covered in bio-mass (micro-organisms).
Wastewater (influent) is applied (trickled) at a controlled rate, causing contact between the waste and the bio-mass.
“Filter” is somewhat misleading…does not separate out solids from liquid stream.
Treatment occurs when biomass absorbs and use the dissolved organics as the wastewater cascades randomly through the voids in the media.
Bio-mass is AEROBIC in nature, needs oxygen to grow and thrive.
Oxygen is derived from air naturally circulating through the media.
Fixed Growth - Trickling Filters
What are the components of a trickling filter?
From top to bottom:
- Distribution System / Arm
- Filter media
- Underdrain system
- Containment Structure
- Auxiliary Equipment
Fixed Growth - Trickling Filters
What are some characteristics of the FILTER MEDIA?
Supplies surface area on which the bio-mass may attach and grow.
Encourages thin slime layer, which contains micro-organisms.
Bio-mass breaks down organic material (BOD).
Can be stone or synthetic material
Material should be stacked to allow spaces for water and air to penetrate and small particles to pass through preventing plugging.
Media should be uniform in size.
Plastic media / synthetic media provides greater surface area for microbial growth – allowing for higher organic loading.
Higher surface area comes from the ability to form plastic media. Plastic sheets are welded together in either a vertical or horizontal configuration (pg 41. Vol. II)
“Plugging” is a major concern for filter media and must be protected against. Good primary settling is essential to prevent suspended solids overloading.
Fixed Growth - Trickling Filters
What are some characteristics of the DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM?
System which applies the wastewater to the filter media.
Typically two types: FIXED or ROTARY
- Rotary type: Consists of a perforated distributor arm (two or four in number). Wastewater is pumped from a central well to the arms. Pressure from the wastewater exiting the perforated arm moves the distributor in a circular motion.
- Fixed Nozzle: Series of stationary spray nozzles which feed the wastewater over the top of the filter media. Many disadvantages: difficult to main, short circuit, etc.
Fixed Growth - Trickling Filters
What are some characteristics of the UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM?
Underdrain System:
Consists of pre-cast concrete, fired ceramic, or plastic blocks laid over a filter floor.
Supports filter media.
Constructed in a manner that allows air to circulate and to collect the effluent that passes through the media (open channel).
Access ports are built at the front and end of the open channel.
Fixed Growth - Trickling Filters
What are some characteristics of the Containment Structure?
Containment Structure:
Housing for the media.
Usually made of concrete or steel
Wall is usually built 4-5 feet higher than media to prevent splashing, spraying and staining.
Standard rock filters have a depth of 8 feet of media
High rate filters have media depths of 16-24 feet
Occasionally ventilation ports are built into the base of the wall to allow for air circulation
Fixed Growth - Trickling Filters
What are some characteristics of the Auxiliary Equipment?
Auxiliary Equipment:
- Filter Pump Station – pumping station that pumps raw wastewater to the filter and recycles flow to the top of the media when needed.
Recycle is the key to supply adequate flow to the filter at all times.
- Secondary Clarifier – catches pass through solids and is the key to achieving high effluent quality.
- Solids Processing Equipment – biological treatment converts soluble BOD into particulate biological solids. These solids have to be managed via solids processing to keep effluent clean.
What is Sloughing?
Sloughing – periodic discharge of large quantities of slime growth (microbes) with the filter effluent
Fixed Growth - Trickling Filters
Vital to keep biological biomass aerobic (w/oxygen)
Spaces / voids between media must stay clear and free flowing (no restriction of oxygen)
Dissolved oxygen (D.O.) should be between 3 - 6 mg/L for rock media and 4 – 8 mg/L for synthetic
Blowers (forced air) can be used but normally oxygen is supplied by atmospheric transfer, therefore aeration is indirectly controlled by other operations.
Optimal air movement will assure optimal pollutant removal.
Fixed Growth - Trickling Filters
Process Controls - Aeration
Vital to keep biological biomass aerobic (w/oxygen)
Spaces / voids between media must stay clear and free flowing (no restriction of oxygen)
Dissolved oxygen (D.O.) should be between 3 - 6 mg/L for rock media and 4 – 8 mg/L for synthetic
Blowers (forced air) can be used but normally oxygen is supplied by atmospheric transfer, therefore aeration is indirectly controlled by other operations.
Optimal air movement will assure optimal pollutant removal.
Fixed Growth - Trickling Filters
Process Controls - Recirculation
Purpose is to increase contact time of BOD with microbes.
This increase contact time increase treatment efficiency.
Process in which filter effluent is recycled and brought back into contact with biomass more than once.
Usually expressed as a ratio (ie: 1:1, 2:1)
*If flow is 1 MGD, and ratio is 1:1, total flow through filter is 2 MGD
Increase hydraulic loading; aids in sloughing & prevention of nuisance organisms.
Fixed Growth - Trickling Filters
Process Controls - Distributor Speed
Distributor Speed
Rate at which influent is applied to filter.
Rate of 2-3 cycles per minute is normal. Can slow down to < 1 cycle per minute.
Distributor speed can control organic and hydraulic loading to filter.
Operator can distributor arm therefore control sloughing of solids / excessive buildup by hydraulic load.
Prevents excessive buildup of biomass.
Sloughing should be controllable, uniform and continuous.
Fixed Growth - Trickling Filters
Process Controls - Clarification
Essential for efficient solids removal.
Solids should be removed before GASIFICATION or DENITRIFICATION, both which cause gas production that will allow the solids to rise.
Elevated solids pumped back to filter via recirculation will hamper operation.
Fixed Growth - Trickling Filters
Process Controls - Temperature:
Biomass is affected by climate and temperature.
Cold temperatures decrease biological activity
Warm temperatures increase biological activity
HOT temperatures sterilizes biomass.
Blower air can be warmed to heat filter.
Recirculation water can be heated to warm filter.
Can increase recirculation in winter time to warm up water to trickling filter
Trickling Filters from an operational standpoint : Advantages and disadvantages
- One of the most trouble-free types of treatment available
- Requires very little operating attention and operational control changes compared to other biological treatments
- Recovery quickly from organic overloads because filter acts like a sponge and treats great amounts of BOD in a short a period of time.
- Steady hydraulic load is optimal and should be controlled by recirculation.
- Difficulties arise from hydraulic overloads
- Ponding – result from loss of voids / spaces between the filter media. Can cause odor and filter efficiency
- Odors
- Filter Flies (Psychoda): nuisance insect that prefer wet/dry environments, lays larvae between and on media and on filter walls. Mostly found on intermediate filters.
- Sloughing: the act of biomass falling off the media
Trickling Filters
Ponding: causes & solutions
Ponding – result from loss of voids / spaces between the filter media.
Excessive biomass growth
Lack of primary clarification
Media size too small or not uniform
Poor or improper media quality (breaks up)
Uncontrollable sloughing (toxic or shock load)
Excessive insect or snail growth in media openings
Solutions: Increase hydraulic load / recirculation rate Adjust distributor arm to balance flow Replace media to one uniform size Spray filter with high pressure wash Hand turn media Dose filter with chlorine (5 mg/L) Flood filter, will cause sloughing Shut down filter, dry out media, than rake
Trickling Filters
Odors: causes & solutions
Results from lack of proper ventilation/air through filter (anaerobic)
Stale influent
Results from septicity (ponding)
Increase air flow, force air if needed
Keep influent aerated and fresh
Prevent ponding / septicity
Trickling Filters Filter Flies (Psychoda): causes & solutions
Filter Flies (Psychoda): nuisance insect that prefer wet/dry environments, lays larvae between and on media and on filter walls. Mostly found on intermediate filters.
Not enough hydraulic load
Alternating wet/dry environment
Partial clogged media voids
Increase recirculation rate / hydraulic loads
Keep media orifices clear
Use approved insecticides
Flood filter (24 hours)
Dose with chlorine (1 mg/L)
Minimize natural sanctuaries (bushes/weeds)
Adjust distributor arm so spray hits outside wall
Trickling Filters
Sloughing: causes & solutions
Sloughing: the act of biomass falling off the media
Organic overload
Low recirculation rate
Toxic/shock loads
Increase recirculation rate / hydraulic loads
Slow down distributor arm
Fixed Growth - RBCs (Rotating Biological Contactors)
What is it and how does it work?
Fixed growth biological treatment systems
Consist of plastic discs (media) mounted on a long horizontal rotating shaft.
Biomass grows on media
Media than rotates into and out of the wastewater. When the media is exposed to the atmosphere oxygen transfer (transpiration) occurs, supplying the biomass with the needed oxygen to survive.
Fixed Growth - RBCs (Rotating Biological Contactors)
What are RBCs Major Components?
- Tankage: structure for the RBC equipment (shaft/discs). Tank size is designed for 1 hour hydraulic contact time.
- Baffles: weir structures providing separation between stages of RBC reactors.
- Filter Media:
Media is made from high density polyethylene
Standard and High Density media available.
Difference is in the spacing between the discs. High density spacing is closer and allows for more treatment (nitrification)
Standard media – 90,000 to 100,000 sq. ft of media
High Rate Media – 120,000 to 180,000 sq.ft of media
Media discs circular in shape and approximately 12 feet in diameter - Shafts (axe central): are usually steel in nature and 25 ft long.
- Covers:
Made of fiberglass / molded plastic
Protect biomass from freezing, biomass from rain and washing off of discs, etc. - Drive Mechanism:
Used to rotate RBC
Fixed Growth - RBCs (Rotating Biological Contactors)
What are RBCs Process Controls?
- Preliminary and primary treatment is necessary for solids removal
- Slough solids must be captured via secondary clarifier
- Recirculation is not practiced on RBCs unless weak influent or seeding is necessary
- Flow is applied vertical or horizontal across the media
- Daily inspections of shafts, biomass and D.O. measurements on effluent leaving each stage
Biomass Inspection:
- Thin, brown color and evenly distributed
- HEAVY, SHAGGY biomass represents organic overload
- Overload = insufficient number of RBC on line or high industrial load
- WHITE, GRAY SPLOTCHES indicate Beggiatoa or Thiothrix bacteria. Nuisance filamentous bacteria that reduce removal capability of RBC, cause poor settling in secondary clarifiers. They occur mostly in high sulfide concentrations and septicity wastes (low D.O.)
- Reversing the rotation of the RBC helps slough off biomass when it becomes too heavy
- D.O. Inspection:
Low D.O. in the RBC indicates high organic loading.
D.O. levels of 0.5 to 1.0 mg/L in first stage RBC and D.O. Levels of 2.0 to 3.0 mg/L in the last stage RBC
Nitrification requires 4 to 5 mg/L in the last stage.
Recirculation is not typical but can be very helpful in replenishing D.O., helping diminish nuisance bacteria
Fixed Growth - RBCs (Rotating Biological Contactors)
What are most common operational concerns?
- Equipment Problems
- Nuisance insects (snails)
- Cold Weather
- Biological
- Excessive sloughing
- Corrosion
- Foam
Fixed Growth - RBCs (Rotating Biological Contactors)
Details about operational problem: EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS
Equipment Problems
RBC Shaft failures / drive bearing failures (attributed to poor maintenance)
Trickling filters failed distributor arm, media collapse, bearing problems
Fixed Growth - RBCs (Rotating Biological Contactors)
Details about operational problem: NUISANCE INSECTS
Nuisance insects
Snails most common, inhabit fixed growth systems
RBC grow on lightly loaded or nitrifying stages
TF grow on horizontal or rock media
Harmless but cause problems (equipment / ponding)
Eliminate by applying chlorine (1-2 mg/L) and caustic bath
Screen effluent and harvest
Fixed Growth - RBCs (Rotating Biological Contactors)
Details about operational problem: BIOLOGICAL
Changes in biomass of fixed growth great indicator
Aerobic organisms require oxygen to breakdown organics and do most of the work on fixed growth
HETEROTROPHIC organisms are singled cell bacteria which use carbon as an energy source, settle well and have a high BOD removal rate.
AUTOTROPHIC organisms use inorganic chemical as an energy source. NITROSOMONAS and NITROBACTER breakdown and remove ammonia (nitrifiers)
Wrong type of bacteria dominates treatment efficiency decreases
Biological (cont)
FILAMENTOUS are long hair-like bacteria that cause bulking sludge, which causes poor settleability and carry over of solids.
IRON bacteria (filamentous) causes iron hydroxide (rust) to plate out on the the organism itself, increasing the weight of the organisms by 10-50 times, leads to excessive sloughing and shaft failure.
Low D.O. can cause ANAEROBIC bacteria leading to odors.
Low pH can cause fungus, filter flies, worms and NOCARDIA
Toxic loads can strip biomass
Lack of nutrient (P and N) can lead to nuisance organisms.
Fixed Growth - RBCs (Rotating Biological Contactors)
Details about operational problem: EXCESSIVE SLOUGHING
Excessive Sloughing
Biomass falling off media in abundance
Causes PONDING, excessive solids in effluent
Organic overloads, hydraulic overloads and toxic loads can cause excessive sloughing
Fixed Growth - RBCs (Rotating Biological Contactors)
Details about operational problem: CORROSION
Metal failure caused by Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC)
Biological activities by filamentous bacteria produce hydrochloric acid
Acid accumulates at joints and welds and corrodes metal
Covered filters do not release VOC and they become concentrated, condense on exposed surfaces causing corrosion
Low pH, alkalinity, chemical additions, recycle streams and industrial wastewaters can cause corrosion.
Fixed Growth - RBCs (Rotating Biological Contactors)
Details about operational problem: FOAM
WHITE FOAM indicates young biological activity..dissipates when biological activity increase and biomass age increases.
DARK BROWN FOAM is caused by NOCARDIA, a filamentous organism, and occurs when biomass is too old. Traps air bubbles and solids, rises to the surface where it appears dark in color. Condition worsens with abundance of oil and grease
Controls: sprays and control of biology
Fixed Growth - RBCs (Rotating Biological Contactors)
Details about operational problem: COLD WEATHER
Cold Weather
Biological activity slows down
For every drop of 10 F BOD removal rate decreases 50% on fixed film.
Cover units
Reduce air around filter
Windbreaks to protect from wind
Adjust sprays for even distribution, warm influent