It is the process in which people, ideas and goods spread
throughout the world, urging more interaction and integration between the
world’s cultures, governments and economies.
People are engaged in buying and selling from other places in far-away lands
like the famed __________
Silk Road
It is across Central Asia that connected China and Europe
during the Middle Age for thousands of years and they also invested in
enterprises in other countries for centuries.
Silk Road
Silk Road connected ________ and _________
China and Europe
According to him, “Globalization is the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space.”
Manfred Steger
It is the creation of new social networks and the increasing of existing
It is the stretching and acceleration of social networks.
It is the interactions between two or more people, groups, or
organizations. They are composed of social, physical, and verbal interactions
that create a climate for the exchange of feelings and ideas.
social relations
In the contemporary era, people begin to feel that the world
has become smaller and distance has collapsed from thousand miles to just a
click away.
time and space
In this phase of globalization, contacts among hunters and gatherers were geographically limited.
The Prehistoric Period (10000 BCE-3500 BCE)
In this period due to absence of advanced forms
of technology, globalization was severely limited.
The Prehistoric Period (10000 BCE-3500 BCE)
In this period the invention of writing and the wheel were great social and
technological boosts that moved globalization to a new level.
The Pre-modern Period (3500 BCE- 1500 CE)
The invention of
wheel in addition to roads made the transportation of people and goods more
efficient while writing facilitated the spread of ideas and inventions.
The Pre-modern Period (3500 BCE- 1500 CE)
It is the period between the Enlightenment and the Renaissance.
The Early Modern Period (1500-1750)
During this
period, European Enlightenment project tried to achieve a universal form of
morality and law.
The Early Modern Period (1500-1750)
This with the emergence of European metropolitan centers
and unlimited material accumulation which led to the capitalist world system
helped to strengthen globalization.
The Early Modern Period (1500-1750)
Innovations in transportation and communication technology, population
explosion, and increase in migration led to more cultural exchanges and
transformation in traditional social patterns.
The Modern Period (1750-1970)
Process of industrialization also
The Modern Period (1750-1970)
The creation, expansion, and acceleration of interdependencies around the
world occurred in a dramatic way and it was a kind of leap in the history of
The Contemporary Period (from 1970 to present)
This refers to the extensive development of economic relations across the
globe as a result of technology and the enormous flow of capital that has
stimulated trade in both sources and goods.
Economic Dimension
Major players in the global economic order:
⬗ Huge international corporations
⬗ International Economic Institutions
(General Motors, Walmart, Mitsubishi)
⬗ Huge international corporations
(IMF, World Trade Organization, World Bank)
⬗ International Economic Institutions
This refers to an enlargement and strengthening of political interrelations
across the globe.
Political Dimension
Political Issues that Surface in this Dimension:
⬗ The principle of state sovereignty
⬗ Increasing impact of various intergovernmental organization
⬗ Future shapes of regional and global governance
This refers to the increase in the amount of cultural flows across the globe.
Cultural interconnections are at the foundations of contemporary globalization.
Cultural Dimension
It often results hybridization (a constructive interaction process
between global and local characteristics which is often visible in food, music,
dance, film, fashion, and language).
Cultural diversity
Media empires generated and directed the extensive flow of culture. Examples
of these are Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, and Disney.
Cultural Dimension
It is a personal or institutionalized set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices
relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality
or deity.
It is the most important defining element of any civilization as
contrasted with race, language, or way of life.
It is also portrayed as
a defining element in future conflicts.
It is a system of widely shared ideas, beliefs, norms and values among
a group of people.
It is often used to legitimize certain political interests or to
defend dominant power structures.
It connects human actions with
some generalized claims.
5 dimensions of globalization
Economic Dimension
Political Dimension
Cultural Dimension
Religious Dimension
Ideological Dimension
He stated the scapes of globalization. “Globalization occur on multiple and intersecting dimensions of integration”
Arjun Appadurai
It represent the movement of people around the world.
Examples of this include refugees and tourists
people who have seek asylum from danger in their
homelands/people moving to seek jobs elsewhere
It refers to the ways that technologies help speed up cross-border movements.
Examples of this include handheld devices and internet
It represent the movement of money across borders.
Examples of this include stock exchange and credit cards
The media has an increasingly global reach.
Examples of this include blogging and BBC
It refers to the ideas, symbols and narratives that have spread
around the globe.
one of the most powerful ideologies in
the world.
liberal democracy
__________is a social process of intensifying global interdependence while
__________is an ideology that gives meaning to globalization.
It represents the many processes that allow for the expansion and
intensification of global connections.
It is a widespread belief among
powerful people that the global integration of economic markets is beneficial for
everyone since it spreads freedom and democracy across the world.
(a constructive interaction process
between global and local characteristics which is often visible in food, music,
dance, film, fashion, and language)