Introduction to the Immune System Flashcards
What is Immunology?
Immunology is the study of our body’s sytems for preventing and treating diseases.
How is the immune system organised?
The Immune System is split into a frontline defence (Innate Immunity) and a second, more specific defence (Adaptive Immunity).
The adaptive immunity can be humoural (ie. B cells and antibodies) or it can be cellular (ie. T cells).
White Blood Cells (WBCs) are key players in the immune system.
Briefly, describe the innate immune system.
The innate immune system is your ever-present defence against infection. It is made up of barriers that keep viruses, bacteria, parasites and other foreign particles out of your body or limit their ability to spread and move throughout the body.
The importance of innate immunity is demonstrated by the fact that you are normally healthy despite the barrage of potential infectious challenges that you face every minute.
What does the innate immune system include?
- EPITHELIAL BARRIERS to the environment (eg. skin, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract) that prevent microbe entry
- SECRETIONS at mucosal surfaces - flushing action and antimicrobial properties
- CELLS that are resident in tissues (eg. mast cells) or circulating in the body (eg. neutrophils)
- Circulating PROTEINS in the blood (eg. complement proteins)
- CYTOKINES (eg. interferons) that are locally produced by infected cells
What are the main functions of innate immunity?
- prevention, control and elimination of infection
- removal of damaged cells and initiation of tissue repair
- activate the adaptive immune response
- influence the type of adaptive response that will develop
What are some important features of the innate immune system?
- it’s the first line of defence in preventing infection
- it responds to microbes and products of injured cells
- it has non-specific activity
- it has no “memory”, so if the challenge is repeated, the innate immune response will be the same
Why is our innate immune system required?
We would not be able to survive on our adaptive immune system alone.
The adaptive immune system takes a few days to really kick in, while the innate immune system provides immediate and early protection.
What is phagocytosis and why is it important?
Phagocytosis is a process by which cells internalise solid matter, including microbial pathogens.
This is a vital part of the innate immune response to pathogens, and plays an essential role in initiating the adaptive immune system.
What are the ‘professional’ phagocytes?
Most cells are capable of phagocytosis, but it is the professional phagocytes of the immune system that truly excel at this process. These cells include NEUTROPHILS, MACROPHAGES and DENDRITIC CELLS.
In these cells, phagocytosis is a mechanism by which microorganisms can be contained, killed and processed for antigen presentation.
How do immune cells know when to get to work?
The immune system detects ‘danger’ through a series of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) or damage-associated molecular pattern molecules (DAMPs) working in concert with both positive and negative signals derived from other tissues.
Describe dendritic cells.
Dendritic cells are widely distributed in lymphoid tissues, mucosal epithelium and body organs. They are important in phagocytosis (as they are phagocytes).
This is because their main function is to process antigen material and present it on the cell surface to the T cells of the immune system. They act as messengers between the innate and the adaptive immune systems.
Briefly, describe the adaptive immune system.
The adaptive immune system is the second line of defence and responds to infection. It takes day-weeks to develop the immune response, but it is also:
- potent
- responsive to any potential foreign entry
- highly specific
- has ‘memory’
The importance of adaptive immunity is that it provides a powerful defence against infection if the innate immune system is breached.
What are the main (cellular) components of the adaptive immune system?
- DENDRITIC CELLS: they capture, process and present antigens
- T-LYMPHOCYTES: they control the immune response by providing ‘help’ to B cells and macrophages (helper T cells), and directly kill off infected or tumour cells (cytotoxic T cells)
- CYTOKINES: they’re soluble proteins secreted mainly by T cells that control activities of other cells
- B LYMPHOCYTES: they produce and secrete antibodies, which are proteins that specifically bind target molecules (antigens) on microbes or cells
What is the Lymphoid System?
Immunological cells are largely organised (not randomly) into tissues and organs for best efficiency. This is an advantage as it protects key areas of the body.
Collectively, these structures are known as the lymphoid system.
Define primary and secondary lymphoid organs.
PRIMARY LYMPHOID ORGANS are sites of maturation of white blood cells. The WBCs differentiate from stem cells, multiply, are programmed and mature into functional cells.
SECONDARY LYMPHOID ORGANS provide the site of interaction between antigens and WBCs. They also allow the spread of the immune response. Secondary lymphoid organs are associated with systemic and mucosal immune compartments.
Describe the Lymphatic System.
The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system and an important part of the immune system. It comprises a network of lymphatic vessels that carry lymph fluid and cells from the tissues back into the blood stream.
Describe lymph nodes.
At regular intervals along the lymph vessels are organised structures called lymph nodes. Major areas with a lot of lymph nodes are the neck, armpits and groin.
The lymph arrives at the node by an afferent lymphatic vessel, filters through multiple layers if antigen presenting cells, T cells and B cells, then finally exits via the efferent lymphatic vessel.
The dense concentration of immune cells provides an ideal environment for initiating immune responses and communication between immune cells. Lymph nodes are common battleground sites for the immune system and infections.
The hallmark of adaptive immunity is the ability to specifically recognise foreign antigens. List, and describe, the two types of molecules involved in this process.
The two molecules involved in this process are immunoglobulins (Igs) and T cell antigen receptors (TCRs).
Immunoglobulins (antibodies) are glycoproteins produced by plasma cells. They specifically recognise and bind strongly to particular antigens on pathogens, and prevent disease or aid in the destruction of the pathogen.
There are different classes and subclasses of immunoglobulins, which differ in their structure, biological features and distribution.
Immunoglobulins are produced by B cells, so they are a part of humoural immunity.
T cell receptors are found on the surface of T cells. They are responsible for recognising processed fragments of antigens (peptides) which are ‘presented’ by host cells. The binding between the TCR and antigen peptides is relatively weak compared to antibodies.
When the TCR engages with the antigen peptide, the T lymphocyte is activated through a series of biochemical events (signal transduction), leading to cell proliferation and biological activity (eg. cytokine production).
TCRs are produced by T cells, so they are a part of cellular immunity.
What are B cells?
B cells are lymphocytes which, when activated, become plasma cells and then produce antibodies. This is often known as humoural immunity.
Describe the structure and function of antibodies.
Antibodies are glycoproteins that are made by B cells and plasma cells. They bind specifically and with high affinity to ‘non-self’ antigens. Antigens are usually proteins or carbohydrates attached to, or secreted by, microbes and infected cells.
Antibodies can neutralise targets, or recruit other components of the immune system to kill targets. Once bound to a cell or bacterium, antibodies can recruit other components of the immune system to kill targets by Fc-mediated effector functions. These include white blood cells (eg. macrophages, dendritic cells). It activates the complement cascade. The antibody Fc also binds to the neonatal Fc receptor.
Describe the structure and function of T cells.
T cells control the immune response and combat microbes that are inside cells (intracellular). Different T cells have different functions and are distinguished by the array of proteins on the cell surface (Cluster of Differentiation (CD) markers). Two major groups are CD4 (helper T cells ) and CD8 (cytotoxic T cells).
Depending on how the antigen is presented, different T cells are engaged, leading to different T cell responses.
How do antibodies aid immunological techniques in diagnostics and research?
There are two key features of antibodies: antigen specificity and high-affinity binding. These are extremely valuable in laboratory assays. They allow for rapid and highly sensitive identification of specific molecules.