Introduction to Terrestrial Biomes Flashcards
What is a biome?
A biome is determined by climatic and physical factors and normally characterised by the dominant plant community.
It is a way of describing and organising large scale ecological variation. Terrestrial biomes mainly determined by T and rainfall. Distinguished primarily by predominant vegetation. Regions of similar climate and dominant plant types are called biomes.
Basic categories of plants?
1)Perennials: Plants that live longer than 2yrs. Can live few years or even centuries
2) Annuals: Plants that complete life cycle in one season then die.
3) Biennials: plants that complete life cycle over 2y, then die.
1) Woody: plants with woody tissues- shrubs, trees, vines.
2) Herbaceous: plants that have no persistent woody stem above ground.
1) Deciduous: Foliage is lost completely during winter or dry season
2) Evergreen: foliage remains green and functional through 1 growing season.
Life forms of plants?
1) Phanerophytes- resting buds, >50cm above soil surface (tend to be woody perennials)
2) Chamaephyte - woody plants with buds