Introduction to Teaching Flashcards
Encompasses the training and preparation of professionals who perform laboratory tests to aid in the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of disease.
Medical Laboratory Science Education
The scope of Medical Laboratory Science includes various disciplines such as?
clinical chemistry, hematology, microbiology, immunology, transfusion medicine, and molecular diagnosis
Laboratory test results influence up to ____ of medical decisions, impacting patient diagnosis,
treatment planning, and monitoring of therapeutic interventions
Medical Laboratory professionals contribute to disease surveillance, outbreak investigation, and public health efforts, playing a critical role
disease prevention and control
Quality Laboratory Testing is essential for?
ensuring patient safety, minimizing medical errors, and improving healthcare outcomes
What Academic Coursework is this?
- biology, chemistry, mathematics
- to build a solid understanding of the scientific principles underlying laboratory testing
Foundational Sciences
What Academic Coursework is this?
- microbiology, immunology, hematology, clinical chemistry, molecular diagnostics
- provide in-depth knowledge of disease processes and laboratory techniques
Specialized Subjects
What Laboratory Training is this?
- practical training in laboratory techniques such as specimen collection, processing analysis, and interpretation of results
Hands-on Techniques and Procedures
What Laboratory Training is this?
- instruction on the operation, calibration, and maintenance of laboratory instruments and equipment to ensure accurate and reliable test results
Equipment Operation and Maintenance
What Clinical Training is this?
- opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in actual laboratory settings, working
alongside experienced professionals
Real-World Experience
What Clinical Training is this?
- encompasses various laboratory
departments, allowing students to gain experience in clinical chemistry,
hematology, microbiology, immunology, and transfusion medicine
Exposure to Different Laboratory Departments
What Professional Development is this?
- ethical principles, patient confidentiality, informed consent, and professional conduct in laboratory practice
Ethical and Legal Considerations
What Professional Development is this?
- effective communication with healthcare providers, patients, and colleagues to ensure accurate test interpretation and facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration
Communication Skills
What Professional Development is this?
- stay updated with advancements in the field through continuing education, participation in professional organizations, and engagement in research and scholarly activities
Lifelong Learning
act of imparting knowledge or skills
Role of Teacher
- facilitator
- guide
- mentor
Importance in Medical Laboratory Science is to ensures accurate and effective transfer of?
technical knowledge and skills
process of acquiring knowledge or skills through study, experience, or teaching
focus on the needs and experiences of the student
Learner-Centered Approach
engaging students actively enhances
retention and application
Active VS Passive Learning
provide frameworks for understanding how learning occurs and how to facilitate it effectively
Learning Theories
Learning Theories offer insights into the processes, mechanisms,
and factors that influence learning, as well as guidance on effective?
instructional strategies and educational practices
Learning Theories understanding learning theories helps educators develop more informed instructional
strategies, promote engagements, and address?
the diverse needs of learners
- focuses on observable behaviors and the role of
the environment in shaping behavior through
reinforcement and punishment - learning through association
known for his experiments on classical conditioning with dogs
Ivan Pavlov
known for his work on operant
conditioning and behavior modification
B.F. Skinner
behaviorists emphasize the importance of environmental _______ and consequences in shaping behavior
focuses on mental processes such as memory, attention, and problem solving
Cognitivism learning is viewed as an ______ process of constructing knowledge and understanding.
known for his theory of cognitive
Jean Piaget
known for his sociocultural theory of
cognitive development
Lev Vygotsky
cognitivists emphasize the role of _______________ processes in learning and knowledge construction
internal mental
- emphasizes the active role of learners in constructing their own understanding of the world
- learning is seen as a process of meaning-making and knowledge construction
known for his theory of cognitive
development and constructivist approach to learning
Jean Piaget
emphasized the role of social interaction and scaffolding in learning
Lev Vygotsky
constructivists believe that learners actively construct their own knowledge through exploration, reflection, and interaction with the?
- emphasizes the role of observation, imitation, and modeling in learning
- occurs through social interaction and observation of others’ behaviors
Social learning Theory
known for his work on social learning theory and the Bobo doll experiment
Albert Bandura
social learning theorists emphasize the importance of __________ and _____________ in learning
social context and role models
- proposes that learning occurs through networks of people and technology
- learning is viewed as the process of making connections, accessing information, and staying current in a digital world
known for their work on connectivism and networked learning
George Siemens and Stephen Downes
connectivists believe that learning is distributed across networks of connections and that technology plays a central role in?
knowledge acquisition and dissemination
- involves the association between stimuli in the environment and automatic responses
- learning occurs through the pairing of a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a
conditioned response
Classical Conditioning
- focuses on how behavior is influenced by its consequences
- learning occurs through reinforcement or
punishment of behaviors
Operant Conditioning
known for his work on operant
conditioning and behavior modification
B.F. Skinner
rewarding desirable behavior
Positive Reinforcement
removing unpleasant stimuli to encourage behavior
Negative Reinforcement
- emphasizes learning through observation,
imitation, and modeling of others’ behaviors - learning through observation and imitation
- role of modeling and social interactions
Social Conditioning
known for his work on social learning theory and the Bobo doll experiment
Albert Bandura
plan of action to achieve learning objectives
Strategies examples
cooperative learning, problem-based
learning, simulation
consider learning objectives, student
needs, and available resources
Choosing Strategies
general way of thinking about and organizing teaching
Approach’s Importance is aligning approach with?
educational goals and student engagement
specific activities or tasks to implement strategies
techniques should be evidence-based and tailored to the?
subject matter
systematic way of doing something in teaching
Method Selection depends on the?
topic, learning environment, and student demographics
refers to the overall method or strategy used by educators to deliver instruction and facilitate learning in the classroom
Teaching Approaches
Teaching Approaches encompasses the principles, techniques, and
instructional methods employed to engage students, convey content, and achieve?
learning outcomes
- inquiry-based learning
- emphasizes student-centered exploration and discovery of knowledge
Discovery Approach
Discovery Approach encourages students to explore and discover?
Discovery Approach promotes?
critical thinking and problem-solving
Discovery Approach emphasizes hands-on?
experiences, experiments, and exploration
Discovery Approach’s Application are?
- laboratory experiments
- research projects
In Discovery Approach, teachers serve as?
facilitators or guides, providing
support and scaffolding as needed
focuses on understanding and applying concepts rather than memorizing facts
Conceptual Approach
Conceptual Approach enhances?
deep understanding and long-term
Conceptual Approach emphasizes depth of understanding over?
rote memorization
Conceptual Approach highlights connections between?
concepts and real-world applications
Conceptual Approach encourages?
metacognitive awareness and reflection on learning
Conceptual Approach Application are?
- concept mapping
- thematic teaching
focuses on guiding students through a structured process or series of steps to achieve specific learning outcomes or objectives
Process Approach
Process Approach emphasizes learning process over the?
final product
Process Approach encourages?
active learning and continuous improvement
Process Approach Application are?
- reflective practice
- iterative assignments
integrates various teaching methods and approaches into a cohesive whole
Unified Approach
Unified Approach provides a well-rounded education, and addresses?
multiple learning styles
Unified Approach Application are?
- interdisciplinary projects
- integrated curriculum
various tools, resources, and technologies used by educators to support teaching and enhance
student learning
Instructional Media
Types of Instructional Media
- Print Materials
- Audiovisual Resources
- Digital Content
- Interactive Tools