Introduction To Research Flashcards
_________ is the systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data in order to solve a problem or answer a question.
__________ is acquiring knowledge use a particular scientific methodology.
__________is the in acknowledged incorporation of an individuals work into the work of another
__________ is any systematic error in the design conduct or analysis that results in a mistaken estimate of the outcomes of the study
__________is the summary of what is to be achieved by the study.
A prediction of a relationship between one or more factors under study which can be tested is called_______________
The characteristic of a person object or phenomenon that can take up different values is called _____________
The selection of a number of study units from a defined study population is called_________
_____________is a sample with all the important characteristics from which it is drawn
Representative sample
___________is a list of all the units that compose the study population
Sampling frame
Developing generalizations from specific observations is called___________
Inductive reasoning
Developing specific predictions from general principles is called___________
Deductive reasoning
State two main sources of knowledge
- This is knowledge acquired with no established scientific process o acquiring it eg
- involves using scientific methodology ie collection analysis and interpretation of data to find answers to questions
State the six non scientific sources of knowledge
Rational knowledge: human reasoning, ability to use step by step logic inductive and deductive reasoning
- Experiential: gained from lived experience
- Authoritative : some sources of knowledge are more credible and valued than others
- Intuitive: knowledge without proof or evidence based on experience and sensitivity
- Divine revelation: knowledge based on faith can’t be scientifically proved
- Role models: imitating people’s actions
State four scientific methods of acquiring knowledge
-descriptive: to give a detailed account of the aspects characteristics features of a subject
Methods are observational case study and survey
-Prediction : statement of what will happen in the future
-Intervention : becoming intentionally involved in a subject matter
The ability to acquire knowledge without proof or evidence is called_________________
____________ is information or wisdom gained from loved experiences
Experiential knowledge
The ability of a human to reason while giving step by step demonstration is called____________
Rational knowledge
___________is the ability to recognize and accept reason as ones only judgement value and guide to action
________is the process of reasoning from one or more statements to come up with a logically true conclusion
Deductive reasoning
Forming generalizations based on specific incidents is called __________
Inductive reasoning
Knowledge from _________ is knowledge based on faith and cannot be scientifically proven
Divine revelation
__________ is a detailed account of aspects characteristics and features of a subject matter on something that can be seen heard experienced or known
State three types of descriptive methods of sourcing knowledge
1)observational :behavior is closely observed
Types are naturalistic and laboratory observation
2)case study: an in-depth study of an individual or group of individuals
3)survey: answer questions In questionaries and interviews
The extent to which research can be used in real life situations is called ___________
Ecological validity
_____________ research involves an in-depth study of an individual or group of individuals
Case study
__________is a statement about what you think will happen in the future
The act of becoming intentionally involved in a situation is called
List four characteristics of a good research
- it demands a clear statement of the problem
- it requires a plan
- builds on existing data using both positive and negative findings
- new data should be collected and organized in such a way that it answers the original question
List ten importance of nursing research
- to provide scientifically defensible reasons for nursing activities
- to earn and defend the professional status of nursing
- new knowledge is developed which can be used to improve nursing education and practice
- evidence based practice facilitated good quality health care provision
- it provides answers to questions
- improves quality of nursing care
- nurse managers rely on research findings for effective planning and implementation
- enables autonomy in nurses
- to provide evidence in support of demand of resources in nursing
- to provide evidence of strengths and weaknesses in nursing
- to find ways of increasing cost effectiveness
State two main types of research
1) basic research :generate new knowledge and technologies understand principles and test theories
2)applied research :practical applications
Identify and evaluate problems and create interventions
State three other types of research
- Problem oriented: to sort out problems faced by particular entities
- problem solving : done by an individual organization based
- qualitative:collecting analysis and interpretation of data by observing what people say
- quantitative : based on numerical data
Explain the three primary ethical principles of research
- freedom from exploitation
- Benefits from research
- Risk benefit ratio
- right to self determination
- issues in the principle of respect
- fair treatment
- privacy