Introduction to renal function Flashcards
What are the functions of the kidney?
Overall function: maintain homeostasis with urine as a by-product
Removing metabolic waste from the extracellular fluid (urea, acids)
Controlling the volume of extracellular fluid (close link to blood pressure)
Maintaining optimal concentrations of vital solutes in the extracellular fluid (Na, K, H, Ca, Mg, Cl, Phos)
What is the extracellular space?
interstitial space and
intravascular space
Describe the distribution of water weight
o 2/3 = intracellular
o 1/3 = extracellular (15L)
2/3 is extravascular
1/3 is intravascular
How is volume determined?
osmotic (oncotic) forces
How do particles cross a permeable membrane?
particles will move freely and even out the concentration on either side
How do particles cross a semi-permeable membrane?
particles stay on one side, generating
a force for water movement
o These differences are generated by protein pumps,
particularly Na-K- ATPase
o Cell proteins even out the osmotic pressure results in even
osmotic pressure on either side
What happens when you increase osmolality in the interstitial space?
water will move out of the cells
How is volume determined?
hydrostatic and osmotic (oncotic) forces
How is Hydrostatic pressure determined?
generated by heart pumping and the vessels squeezing
Where has greater oncotic pressure?
Intravascular space has a greater oncotic pressure than outside the vascular space
o Generated mainly by intravascular plasma proteins that don’t cross the vascular barrier
Pressures reversed (although not equally compared to the arterial side) at the venous end
o Oncotic pressure driving fluid in is not as great at the
hydrostatic pressure that drove it out on the arterial end
o Lymphatic system compensates for extra fluid
Where has higher hydrostatic pressure?
higher at the arterial end, drives fluid out at the arterial end
Pressures reversed (although not equally compared to the arterial side) at the venous end
o Oncotic pressure driving fluid in is not as great at the
hydrostatic pressure that drove it out on the arterial end
o Lymphatic system compensates for extra fluid
What is the composition of the extracellular fluid?
mostly NaCl
o Some contribution from K, Ca, bicarbonate
What is the composition of intracellular fluid
mostly K/bicarbonate/proteins
o Also phosphate and sulphate
What is the effect of 1L water administration on body fluid compartments
Number of particles (osmoles) does not change
Volumes will change very slightly (in proportion to the size of the compartment)
Water distributes evenly across the three compartments because of osmosis
What is the effect of 300 mmol of sodium (NaCl) administration on body fluid compartments
Number of particles has increased, but volume hasn’t
Particles will only be distributed across the extracellular compartment
When Na enters cells, it is pumped back out by Na-K- ATPase
This means that the number of particles will increase in:
o Intravascular space
o Extravascular space
Won’t increase in the intravascular space
This generates an osmotic potential, and water moves out of the cells into the extracellular space
o The volume in the EC space will increase