Introduction To Parasitology Flashcards
A parasite is a small animal or plant that lives on or inside a larger animal or plant, and gets its food from it.
The relationship between two different kinds of living things that live together and depend on each other
Association between organisms of two different species in which each benefits.
Describe the major categories of parasites important in veterinary medicine:
- Protozoa
- Arthropods
- Helminths
Describe the relationship of Parasitology to other aspects of infection biology:
A continuation of bacteriology -> prions, viruses, fungi and bacteria
Parasitology is a branch of infection biology.
Are parasites always harmful?
No, Symbiosis or Mutualism is possible.
Demodex mites
Dogs only rarely develop clinical signs from demodex mites
Definitive Host
Host in which the parasite completes its reproductive cycle
Intermediate Host
An additional host required in the life cycle
Paratenic Host
An optional extra host
Direct Life Cycle
Only requires one host
Indirect Life Cycle
More than one host is required
Dead-End Host
One from which further transmission cannot occur
Pre-patent period
The period between a host becoming infected, and reproductive stages being detected (often in feces)
Patent infection
Infection during the period when the parasite is reproducing in the host