Introduction to Natural Selection Flashcards
Summary of Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection
Many varied individuals are produced
Variation is inherited
Not all survive - useful traits increase
Changes in gene frequency
Formation of new species
Why are some species are similar?
Due to descent with modification
from common ancestors
A Description of Darwin’s Tree of Life
Evolution is not linear
=> all organisms are equally fit/good at the end of branches
Evolution is not random (as well as fitness) - mutation is
What is fitness?
Reproductive success (can be increased)
How is fitness increased directly?
By genes that increases reproduction
e.g. peacock’s tail is impractical to eat/survive predation but attracts females to mate to pass down genes
How is fitness increase indirectly?
By genes that affect survival
The Process of Natural Selection
Darwin preferred differential selection as a term
=> organisms that are best adapted to an environment survive and reproduce more than others
1st step of Natural Selection
(1) Overproduction - each species produces more offspring that can survive
2nd step of Natural Selection
Variation - each individual has a unique combo of traits
3rd step of Natural Selection
Competition - not all survive to adulthood
4th step of Natural Selection
Selection - those with the best traits survive and pass on traits to offspring