Introduction To Massage Flashcards
What is massage ?
Massage is defined as the manipulation of soft tissues of the body in other to produce clinical effect on the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system
When starting to perform and practice massage check that you can?
- Reach all parts
- Stand in walk or lunge standing to do so.
- change position without impedance
Self preparation of therapist and patients before massage
- preparation before contact with patient
- attention to personal appearance, hygiene and manicure
- protective clothing to maintain decency because of contact is inevitable
- restraining of long hair
- dangling jewelries should be discarded & wrist watches
- rings can cause discomfort and hinder some manipulation technique so it should be removed
- nails should be short and clean
- cultivate warm hands by using warm water before contact
Preparation of environment for massage (3)
- treatment area should be quiet,discreet coulurs and well ventilated.
- The padded treatment couch should have washable and undercover and towels to cover the areas not being treated.
- Two pillows should be available for the treatment.
Contact mediums for massage
They provide glides
1: Powder:Talcum powder, corn starch BP
2. Oils : pure lanolin , lanolin cream(which is water based)
3. Liquid oils : vegetable oil, baby oil and liquid paraffin
- Creams
- Water based lubricant
- Soap and water .
Classification of massage
Based on technique
Pressure manipulation
Tapontment and percussion
Based on depth of tissue
Light and deep
Based on body part ?
General and local
Based on means of administration
Manual and mechanical
What is stroking ?
Technique consisting linear movement of relaxed hand along the whole body length performed with fingers or finger tips.
Two techniques of stroking are:
And effleurage
In both techniques there is rhythmic uninterrupted movement of either hands or fingers.
Aim of stroking ?
Assist in creating sedative effect (slow)
Assist in creating stimulating effect (fast)
Application of contact medium
Characteristics of stroking massage
Even pressure
Constant touch
Equal rhythm
Superficial is applied with the lightest pressure
Applied proximal to distal or vice versa
Aim of superficial stroking is for sensory stimulation
Decrease muscle tone
Technique given in early part of massage to relax the patient and accustom him to touch
What is effleurage/deep stroking ?
Is a stroking technique that is performed with the palmar aspect of the hand and moderate pressure is applied in the direction of the lymphatic and venous drainage
Note :
Each strokes begins from Distal to proximal and ends at the site of regional lymph nodes
Relaxed hand of the operator accommodates varying contour of the sagments without moving deep muscles
Main effect is on venous and lymphatic drainage
Aims of effleurage?
Stimulates axon reflex
Improves arterial circulation
Improves elasticity and pliability of skin
Assist fluid interchange
It impacts soothing effect which lessen anxiety and tension through sedative effect
Increase muscle tone
Allows for the detection of abnormal areas of tissue
What is pressure manipulation ?
Hand of therapist and the skin of the patient moves together as one unit.
Fairly deep localized pressure is applied to the body.
Classification of pressure manipulation
What is kneading ?
Circular manipulation performed so that the skin and subcutaneous tissues are moved in a circular manner on the underlying structures.
Techniques used for kneading ?
Digital kneading (pulp of fingers) Palmar kneading (palm of hand ) Pulp of thumbs (thumb kneading )
what is Friction ?
Movement of individual collagen fibres over underlying structures
Breaks adhesion and forcefully broaden out the structure.
It is a painful technique
Mostly used in treatment of sub acute and chronic lesion of muscles
It initiates small localized inflammatory response with intention of braking scar tissues
Types of frictional massage
What is Petrissage ?
Tissues are grasped and lifted away from the underlying structures
Tissues applied in a direction perpendicular to the long axis of bone
Techniques of Petrissage?
Picking up
What is pressure ulcer ?
Localized areas of tissue necrosis that tends to occur when the soft tissue is compressed between bony prominence and a surface for a long period..
Can be called bed sores
Classification of pressure ulcer
4 stages
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 1?
Non blanchable erythema of intact skin…
Discolouration of skin
Edema and pain
Involves the only the epidermal later of the Skin
Stage 2
Partial thickness or blister skin loss
Involves either epidermis or dermis (or both)
Loss of dermis present shallow open ulcer with red pink wound bed without slough.
This stage refereed to as abrasion or blister
Stage 3?
Full thickness tissue loss
Subcutaneous fat maybe visible
But bone , tendon or muscle is not exposed
It’s difficult to heal cos of low blood supply to subcutaneous tissue
Epidermis , dermis and subcutaneous tissue is involved
Stage 4
Full thickness tissue loss
The deepest extending into muscle , tendon and even bone
Complications of pressure ulcers
Bone and joint infection .
Prevention of pressure ulcers ?
1.Positions changes
15 min wlchair
- Skin inspection
Daily inspection - Nutrition.
Prevent skin brk down
Aid wound healing - Lifestyle changes
Quit smoking - Use pressure relieving devices.
Air mattress
Water mattress
Treatment of pressure ulcers?
- Using support surface :
Pads, mattress, cushions
Help to relieve pressure on existing sore - Cleaning :
To prevent infection
Soap and water (stage 1)
Salt (saline) open sores
3.Removal of damages tissue (debridement )
To heal properly
- Oral antibiotics
- Healthy diet
- Surgical repair (plastic surgery)
What is Bandaging ?
Is the process of covering a wound or injured part ..
Types of bandages ?
Crepe bandage Adhesive Cotton /gauze Triangular Roller.
Uses of bandages
To support - fractured bones
To immobilise - dislocated shoulder or jaws
To apply pressure - stop or control bleeding
Improve venous return
To retain splint place
To reduce or prevent swelling
To secure a dressing in place
To restrict movement
To correct deformity.
To protect wound
What is Postural drainage ?
Is a form of airway clearance that involves the use of gravity by placing the patient body in various positions in other to drain mucus secretion from the lung segment into the central airway.
Postural drainage can only occur effectively if the patient takes part in the treatment.
Auscultate the lungs in other to know the lungs segment where added sound is heard .
Guidelines for postural drainage?
Each position should be held for a minimum of 5 min
(Btwn 3-15 min)
Positions can be done on bed or floor
In each position, the chest should be lower than the hips to allow mucus to drain.
Use pillows , foam wedges and other devices for patient to be comfortable.
Encourage the patient breathe in through the nose and out through mouth
Preferably done in the morning
To clear mucus built up over night
Or right before bed to prevent coughing during the night.