Introduction to IB/why and how questions (topic 1&2) Flashcards
How IB differs from domestic business
Larger scale, more complex;
Greater opportunity to strengthen competitive advantages;
Greater exposure to international sources of risk;
Greater uncertainty arising from world events;
Greater opportunity for conflict.
Physical factors
A country’s geography/demography.
Social factors
A country’s law, politics, culture, economy.
Competitive factors
The number and strength of a company’s suppliers, rival firms.
Global sourcing
‘shopping the world’
Proactive/pull factors
Give rise to a virtuous circle of heightened managerial commitment and subsequent internationalisation success.
Reactive/push factors
Give rise to a vicious circle of reduced managerial commitment and subsequent internationalisation failure.
An investment that gives the investor a controlling interest in a foreign company. FDI represents a financial flow between countries.
Involves the acquisition of foreign securities and entities without control over the management of the companies concerned.