Introduction to human evolution and how we study it Flashcards
Why is it important to study human evolution?
- Personal interest
- Homo sapiens are the only sentient species on earth
- Very developed brain etc
- Damage to environment
- Cause of other animal extinctions
How do we study human evolution?
- Temporal framework
- Reconstructing palaeogeogrpahy
- Reconstructing environment
- Evidence from fossils
- Evidence from living organims
- Evidence from archaeology
Why is the fossil record of human evolution poor?
- Human populations were historically very small and dispersed
- Terrestrial (less likely to be preserved)
What is the temporal framework for human evolution?
- Middle-Miocene
- Pliocene
- Pleistocene
How do we date fossils and why are human remains more acurate?
- Radiometrically
- Chemically
- Dating of fossils allow accurate dating
- Pull of the recent means it’s easier and more acurate to date
- Pollen dating
- Timing is less of a problem
Why do the glacial events make it harder to date?
Complexity of the glacial events (retracting and surging) means remains get smeared so it’s harder to accurately date some areas.
How has the earth changed over the 7 million years humans evolved?
- Not much continental change
- Extent of ice caps expand and contract causing different sea levels
When was the last glacial maximum?
- 18,000 years ago
- Lower sea level
- Easier for human migration due to land bridges
- Position of continents not important - sea level important
Pollen analysis
- Most plants that were around 7 mya are still around today
- Can see what plants types were around
- Can work out what plants were there and what the environment was like
- E.g. woodland, savanna etc
Evidence from living organims
- Study nearest living relative
- Study behaviour
- Can it be applied to fossils?
- Find populations from different continents and sequence them and see where genetic relationships lie
Evidence from fossil organisms
- Fossils are rare
- Rift valley - sedimentation rates are high
- Lots of fossils in that one area
- Teeth, jaw bone and pallet preserve well
- Footprint preservation (exceptional preservation)
Evidence from archaeology
- hunting
- Fire
- Exploiting environments
- Tool use
- Eventually there is art and burials
- Neanderthal and homo sapiens buried dead
- Becoming self aware
Where humans sit in the evolutionary tree of life?
- Prosimians
- New World Monkeys
- Old World Monkeys
- Hominoids (apes including humans-hominins)
When did humans diverge from last common ancestor?
7 million years ago
What are apes and humans classified under?
Humans are hominins
When did the first primated apear?
85 Ma
When did the KT extinction happen?
- 65 Ma
- Who will dominate?
Key dates - primate/hominin evolution: 50 mya?
- Primates of modern aspect appear
- Adaptive radiation of primates
- Anthropoids (monkeys + apes) evolved in Africa
Key dates in human/primate evolution: 20 ma to 10 ma ?
- 20 Ma Hominoids in Africa
- 18 Ma Hominoids migrate into Asia as Asia/Africa collide
- Adaptive radiation of Hominoids in Asia
- 10 Ma An Asian Hominoid migrates back to Africa and is ancestral to all later Hominoids (including Hominins)
What is the earliest hominoid known?
- Proconsol
- 22 Ma from Africa
What do molecular clocks show for human evolution?
Humans and chimps are sister groups
Diverged around 7 Ma
When are molecular clocks good?
- They work for shallow time
- E.g. human evolution
Who was eugene Dubois and what was his discovery/theory?
- Java man (homo erectus)
- Thought human evolutions started in the far east
- He was ridiculed - too big to be a human
- Locked his find away for years until his theory
- Thought humans were more closely related to orangutans than the great apes
What was the piltdown man and why was it controversial?
- Hoax, modern skull dyed and combined with orangutan skull
- Held back science for 40 odd years
- Said Dubois was right
What did Raymond Dart discover?
- Tuang boy
- Australopithecus africanus
- 3.3 - 2.5 ma
- Sediment filled brain and perfectly preserved it
What species was Peking man?
- Homo erectus
- 0.4 - 0.7 Ma
What did Robert Broom do?
- Found specimens of A.africanus and A.robustus
What year was Piltdown was accepted as a hoax?