Introduction to HTML Flashcards
- created HTML
- known as the father of the web
Tim Berners Lee
The first version of HTML
HTML 1.0 created in 1991
The second version of HTML
HTML 2.0, created in 1995
The third version of HTML
HTML 3.2, created in 1997
The fourth version of HTML
HTML 4.01, created in 1999
XHTML was created in?
The current latest version of HTML
When was HTML 5 published?
- Describes the structure of a website
- Simply the content of a webpage
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
Examples of applications for writing HTML documents
- notepad
- notepad++
- sublime
- TextEdit
- Visual Studio Code
What is the file extension used for HTML documents?
.html or .htm
What do you use to view the output of HTML documents?
Web browser
Used to display content
- opening and closing tags
- tags come in pairs
- closing tags end with a forward slash (/)
this element defines the doc as a HTML 5 doc
<!DOCTYPE html>
why is the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration important?
it is important since websites nowadays are coded in multiple languages, aside from HTML
- root element of an HTML page
- signifies the beginning of the code
- contains meta info about the HTML page
everything inside this tag will not be displayed in the main body of the webpage
- specifies a title for the HTML page
where is the title of the HTML page shown on a browser?
it can be seen in the browser’s title bar or in the page’s tab
what are the entities enclosed in < > called?
HTML tags
they are element names surrounded by angle brackets (<>)
- contains info related to the HTML document such as a character typeset, author info, keywords
- defines a thematic break in an HTML page
- most often displayed a sa horizontal line
Horizontal Rule <hr>
- used to separate content or define a change in an HTML page
Horizontal Rule <hr>
What’s the difference between:
- p
- <p>
- p is the element
- <p> is the tag
- defines paragraph of text
- block-level element
- always start on a newline
HTML paragraphs
these are tags without closing tag
empty element
- <h1> to <h6>
</h6></h1> - always in bolded letters
HTML headings
- used to insert a single line break, not to add space between paragraphs
- useful for writing a poem/address where the division of the lines is important
Line breaks <br></br>
- preformatted text
- displayed in fix-width font
- displayed exactly as how it is in source code
Pre tag <pre>
In a <pre> element, the text preserves both spaces and line breaks.
used to connect the current html file to an external source.
- comment tag
- Everything inside the tag will not be displayed in the browser.
<!-- -->
- it is a block level element and always starts on a new line.
paragraph <p>
text that is higher and often smaller than the main text.
used for suffixes of dates and in mathematics for representing the power to which a number is raised
text that is lower and also often smaller than the main text.
used in a number of different representations, such as chemical formulas mathematical expressions and footnotes.
HTML element used to create superscript
< sup >
HTML element used to create subscript
< sub >